Part Twenty-Three

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Rheanna's POV

*The next day*

I'm so glad that me and Lewis are back together. I love him so much and Nathan, well Nathan was just a mistake, that's all. We are just two friends who made a mistake! Lewis came back to mine last night.

"Can I have my key back then, babe" Lewis asks.

"Yeah, sure" I smile. I hand him the spare key, which is on the side. I know it seems a bit soon to be giving him his key back, but right now I will do anything, as long as he stays with me.

Tom's POV

As it is a saturday, it seems like the perfect opportunity for everyone to get together and just a have a laugh. So we called everyone to come over and everyone seemed up for it, all apart from Rheanna, who said she wants to spend the day with Lewis. At about 5 o'clock, everyone begins to arrive. I sit on the sofa, with my arm around Maria and a beer in my hand, when Rach arrives. She looks over at us and then decides to go into the kitchen with Max. Kelsea and Jay are sitting on the other couch, talking about random stuff. Siva and Claire are also sitting on the sofa laughing at something. Then Nathan is just in his room, on his own. I suppose he doesn't want to be around a load of loved up couples at this time. Then after about two minuets Rach comes into the living room and hands Maria a drink. "Let's put the past behind us eh?"

"That's easy for you to say" Maria says, harshly. Everyone turns to look at them.

"Look, Maria, I've said I'm sorry. What more can I do" Rach asks, as Max comes back into the room and just stands watching.

"I want you to stay out of my life. I told you I never wanted to see you again, but yet here you are! Up in my face again" Maria says angrily.

"I know what you said Maria, but I've changed. I swear!"

"A leopard never changes it's stops!" Maria says back.

"What actually happened between you too" Max asks, confused.

"It doesn't matter!" Maria says storming out of the flat.

"Look what you've done now!" I say, angrily.

"It's not my fault, she can't put the past behind her" Rach says sitting down, as if nothing happened.

"Look Rach, I think you should just tell us what's going on. It's not like it matters now. The past is the past right?" Max says, smiling at her.

"It doesn't matter" Rach says, turning away.

Renee's POV

I can't believe no one has even bothered to see if I'm ok. Not even Claire! I'm supposed to be one of her brides maids, and we all have to go to church again tomorrow. So why is it like I don't exist? I'm not the one that slept with someone else. All I've done is love Nathan and I stupidly thought that he would love me back. I hate Rheanna so much. She has taken everything away from me! All I want to do is cry. I haven't even been out since that day and I'm starting to run out of food! And to top it off Rheanna has got back with Lewis. Even when she's messed everything up, she still comes out smelling of roses! I already punched her once and if I ever see her again, I will rip her head off. Sleeping with my boyfriend! Who does she think she is? She was supposed to be my friend and instead she stole my boyfriend and still everyone loves her. Even Maria, doesn't care about the fact we split up!

Nathan's POV

I don't know what to do. All I keep thinking about, is the fact that I could be a father. I'm not ready for that! And she doesn't even want me, she wants him. If that is my baby, though, I can tell you now that idiot is not going anywhere near them. It's going to be mine and Rheanna's baby not Lewis's. You know what? I'm just not going to put it out of my mind and try to forget about Rheanna, until I have to deal with her!

Tom's POV

Maria seemed really upset when she left, so I decided to go to her house and see if she was ok. When I get there she looks like she's been crying.

"Aww, babe!" I say, hugging her "What's up?" I pull away from her and go into the living room. We sit down on the sofa and she says "I just hate her so much. I don't know why she's come back here!"

"Why? What's going on? How do you know Rach" I ask her, holding onto her hand, so that she knows I'm there for her.

"She's my sister" she says, bitterly.

"What?" I ask her, really shocked.

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