Part Twenty-Two

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Rheanna's POV

*The next morning*

I am so glad that I told Nathan about the baby. I think he is cool with it and I know I can trust him to be a good dad, if he is the baby's dad that is. He didn't want me to be on my own last night, so he slept on the couch. I know a lot has happened between us, but I think we could be finally getting our friendship back on track and maybe it will be better this time. We have learned from our mistakes and this might even help us to become better people. Then Nathan comes into my room, holding a tray with some food on it.

"What's this?" I ask him, confused

"it's breakfast in bed" he smiles.

"Oh, your so sweet" I smile back as he puts the tray down on my knee. He then sits beside me. "What's this for anyway?"

"Well, your eating for two now aren't you and you were upset" he smiles.

"Aww thanks" I say. Then my phone starts to vibrate on the table. Nathan passes it to me and it's a text from Lewis. I look at it and then put my phone down.

"Who was it?" Nathan asks, not meaning to sound nosey.

"It was Lewis. He wants me to me to meet him so that we can talk" I tell him, and he looks away.

Lewis's POV

I told Rheanna to meet me here, for ten o'clock. It's now half past! Where the hell is she? Oh wait, there she is. She comes and sits down opposite me. We are sitting at an out door table.

"Your a bit late, where have been?" I ask her

"Sorry, I got held up" she tells me.

"Well anyway, I've been thinking... And I was wondering if we could give it another go. I mean I want to be there for my child and everything and despite everything Rheanna, I love you" I tell her.

"I love you too" she says, getting up and hugging me. "I'm so sorry, Lewis! I will never do it again, I promise" she says. I hope we can put the past behind us and be happy. I just have to keep that stupid Nathan away from here. He just doesn't get it! She wants me not him.

Tom's POV

I'm becoming very suspicious over Maria. She seems to be very secretive lately and she doesn't really seem to want to tell me about them. When she saw Rach, she looked like she had seen a ghost and they wouldn't even look at each other. I really want to trust her, but I just don't know whether I can. If she can't tell me what it is, that's bothering her. Then I wonder how our relationship will end up. I really do love her and it took me so long to finally win her round, and it's just killing me not being able to be there for her through whatever it is, she's going through.

Max's POV

I am sitting in my bedroom with Rach, kissing, when there is a knock at the door. About five minuets later, Tom comes into my room and hands me a box.

"This was left outside" he tells me. He looks at Rach suspiciously and then walks out again. I open the box with a big smile on my face, wondering what it could be. Then I see that there is just some hairy thing there. What the hell? I pick it up and it turns out, it's a wig. Who would send me something like this?

"Who's sent you that?" Rach asks, curiously.

"I don't know" I say, as I pick up little note from the bottom of the box, which says "love from you wife x" is this some kind of practical joke? Rach looks over my shoulder at the note. "Is there something you want to tell me?" She laughs.

Nathan's POV

I can't believe that Rheanna has just gone running back to Lewis. I mean after all he did make her feel like dirt when he found out. He doesn't respect her, like I do. I am the only person who really cares about her and that baby. Whether it is mine or not, if she wants me there, I will be there. I don't care about everything that has happened, she is still my best friend and I don't regret one thing of it! She is just so amazing and not like everyone else, she gets me, you know? Not like Renee, she doesn't get what I want, she doesnt care about anyone but herself. I know that seems hypocritical, but it's true. The whole time we were together, it was all about her. Where she wanted to meet, what she wanted to do. Not like me and Rheanna, we like all of the same things, which I suppose is one of the reasons we have always been close. Lewis isn't right for her and she knows it! The sooner she realises that the better. I'm not going to wait forever, so she had better hurry up. Then I hear Claire talking to Siva in the other room "he's taken her back! What the hell was he thinking! She slept with Nathan for gods sake! It's like these people don't even care!" Claire says angrily.

"Calm down, babe. It's nothing to with us and Rheanna is your best friend, you should be happy that he has taken her back. She obviously loves him and maybe they can just forget about Nathan" I hear Siva say. What the hell? I don't want her to forget about me. I want her to forget about that Lewis. I'm the only person who has been here for her, through thick and thin. Not that little freak! He's only there when he wants to be and the sooner the realises that, the better.

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