Part One

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Nathan’s POV

I’ve been sitting here for hours now, signing CD after CD after CD. It really does take the energy out of you. Don’t get me wrong, I love meeting all the fans and everything, it just takes forever and not to mention the cramp you get in your hand. There should be a health warming on becoming famous.

After what feels like the thousandth CD, I decide that it’s time to have a rest. I slam my pen down on the desk, before leaning over the table, so my arms are making a triangle shape and I slowly lay my head down on them. “Come on Nathan, the cue has almost gone” Tom tells me. I slowly lift my head up off of the desk to look at the cue. Before I can even check how long the line is, I’m distracted.

“Nathan?” I hear Max say, but I can’t bring myself to look away. There’s the most beautiful girl. Her hair is a chocolate brown colour and she’s got it styled in loose curls. I then notice the light reflecting off of her beautiful brown eyes. “Nathan?” Max repeats and I can tell he’s getting annoyed.

“Yeah?” I ask, as I keep my eyes glued to the girl.

“There’s a girl waiting for you to sign her CD” Max says, and he doesn’t seem too pleased about me keeping her waiting. I finally manage to drag my eyes away and then I notice that there’s another girl standing in front of me, holding a CD, I quickly pull it out of her hand and sign it, before smiling. She soon disappears and I watch as the line moves quickly and the same girl gets closer and closer to the front. She’s with another girl, who also has brown eyes and brown hair, but her hair is much darker and she has a slight tan to her skin. I smile at them, but they don’t notice. They’re too busy laughing and having a great time. I miss those days, when I could do anything in public without being looked down upon.

It’s not long before the two girls are standing in front of me, holding their CD’s. “Hi” I say, with a smile, as I take the CD from the first girl. I quickly sign it, before moving on to her friend. Once I’ve signed her CD, I look back to where the other one was standing, but she’s gone. “Thanks. I’m a big fan” her friend tells me.

“That’s alright” I tell her, without taking my eyes off of the first girl. She’s now talking to Tom and unlike when she was with me; she’s talking to him and laughing. At that moment I see her take the pen out of Tom’s hand and she writes something down on his arm, before looking back at me and her friend. She soon disappears out of the building and out of my life forever.

It’s not long before we’ve finished all the signing and we’re being ushered out of the building, with paparazzi flashing their cameras at us every two seconds. Siva strikes a pose, whilst the rest of us rush back to the van. Max pulls the door open and hops inside, with the rest of us following him. I sit down by the window, with Jay next to me. “Hurry up Siva” Tom shouts, as he pops his head out of the window. Siva soon notices that we’ve all gone and runs over to us. He jumps into the van, before shutting the door behind him. He then sits down on his own two seats.

“You’re such a Diva, Siva” Kev says, from the front seat.

“Just drive, chauffeur” Siva jokes back.

As I look out of the window, I can’t help but imagine the things that could have happened, if I had have spend some time talking to that girl, instead of moving on to her friend so fast.

Tom’s POV

As we make the journey home, I can’t help but notice the lack of noise coming from the others. They all seem dead today. As I look around, I see that Siva has fallen asleep, bless him. Then next to me, Max is too busy playing a game on his phone to make conversation. Sitting in front of him is Jay, who seems to have his earphones in and is texting and Nathan is staring out of the window, like it’s some kind of film. “How long do you think it will take us to get back to the flat, Kev?” I ask.

We've only just begun (A TW FanFiction - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now