Chapter 11

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He had gone home and changed to his casual wear, a lose shirt and plain trouser. He returned to the school and hung around at the school joint near Engineering department hoping to see Earth. He was enjoying the thrill of chasing after someone again.

Though Earth was proving a little stubborn, he was enjoying the attention. He couldn't wait for the day he would get the cute boy to his bed and end it with him.

It will really be a brutal moment.

Luckily for him he saw Earth walking by with his friends. He called him.

Earth excused himself from the company of his friends and watched Ice walk towards him.

"Do you know I had a bad day today?" He started. He folded his arms across his chest and watched Earth keenly.

"How does that concern me?"

"I asked you to join me for the ride and you blatantly rejected me."

"Is it written in the law, that I must accept your request."

"Yes and you have to make it up to me."

"" Earth folded his arms across his chest.

"Let's say I kissed you right here."

Earth bit his lower lips in anger.
"Kiss my ass!"

Ice chuckled. "Earth, whatever I want I get. You can't run away from me."

"Well, I'm up for the challenge."

"Earth..." Ice reached for his arm, but Earth brushed him away.

"What's wrong with you?" Earth snapped.

Are you making things a little difficult?"

"Yes. Ice, I hope your life will be difficult like you made it for Goth and others."


Was that insult actually coming from this cute mouth?

Ice glared at the younger man with cold eyes.

"Listen to me, you don't know anything about me and Goth, don't point fingers at me!"

"I really want to punch you right now. Just stay away from me and my friends."

With that, Earth walked on to join his friends.

"Earth!" Ice called. But the young man didn't answer him or look back.

Ice was getting rather nervous and sick of the whole thing. He never knew Earth will be this difficult. He hated how he was feeling.


He burned with anger.

Mark walked around the corner and saw Ice. He wondered what he was doing here because Ice never hung out in such a place.

"A'Ice, what are you doing here, waiting for someone?"

"No, what are you doing here? Meeting your lowlife friends?" Ice looked away.

"Ice, I told you not to refer to my friends as lowlifes."

Ice rolled his eyes. But he felt guilty. Here he was accusing Mark of keeping lowlife friends, but he was also falling for a low life boy. How tragic!

"Since you don't want to tell me anything, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow."

Ice watched his friend leave. It was getting late too. Since his meeting with Earth didn't go as planned he decided to wait for Earth. Maybe tease him a bit before leaving. He will be back for Earth whether he liked it or not.

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