Moment Of The Truth & Lies

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Michael's POV

We finally managed to get the paparazzi off the ranch. "Michael, there  were paparazzi in Ellie's room." said one of my security guards, Bill. "What?!" I began to freak out. "Dad I'm okay." said Ellie. . "Are you sure?" asked Christina. "Yeah-yes" said Ellie as she nodded and moved a strand of hair from her face. "I was so scared." said Paris. "It's okay baby girl." I said as I picked her up. I was so pissed off, how can they just show up in helicopters, ugh why am I even asking myself this question it's the media they'll do anything for money.

"I hope this doesn't affect my conference about my fashion line too much." said Christina. "I'm praying it doesn't" I said,

~The Next Day~

Christina's POV

Michael, the kids and I were on our way to my fashion line's  conference. "Mom, Dad there's something I have to tell you." said Ellie as tears flowed down her cheeks. "What is it?" Michael and I questioned her in unison, worry on both our faces. Ellie took a deep breath before she spoke, "Some boy was hiding in my  closet yesterday, he kissed me while the paparazzi took pictures." Ellie said as her voice cracked. My eyes widened in shock, Michael rolled some interesting vocabulary off his tongue as Ellie and I covered Paris's ears.  "Dad! they're gonna publish it and I'll  look like a cheater!" Ellie sobbed. Michael and I comforted her, " Don't worry princess, they'll get what's coming to them and I'll make sure of it" said Michael. "It'll be okay hun." I said as a tear escaped my eye. "We're here." said our driver. Bill opened the door for us and other security guards paved the way for us to walk. There screaming fans and herds of paparazzi. We finally made it inside. We walked into the room where my conference would take place and took our seats and the stage. We were instructed to test out our microphones. After a while the conference began.

"Christina, how long have you been working in the fashion industry?" asked a lady, "8 years." I said into the microphone. "Michael  has Christina designed anything for you?" asked a man. ""Yes, she designed my entire bad tour wardrobe." Michael responded. The whole room engaged in a conversation.  Christina and Michael , how can you allow your teenage daughter to use such hurtful words against someone? What are you trying to teach her? What are trying to teach Paris?" asked a man. The room engaged in conversations again."We can assure you that the blog post online is a scam for money!" Michael said. "I would never do such a thing! I'm better than that! It's nothing but lies!" said Ellie. "It's all a scam!" I added. "I would like to know why Ellie cheated on her boyfriend.., Daren is it? Besides isn't she 13? Why does she even have a boyfriend??? Why does she even sing love songs?" Asked a man. "That also is a big fat lie, and we trust Ellie and Daren." said Michael. "Neither of them have ever given us a reason to scratch our heads in wonder." I added.The entire room began arguing. A lady hopped on to the stage and whistled. I noticed that the lady was R&B Princess Aaliyah. "PEOPLE! PEOPLE! PEOPLE! ARE YOU NOT LISTENING? EVERYTHING IS LIES! AND YOU CONTINUE TO SPREAD THEM! IT HAS TO STOP!" hollered Aaliyah. The room got quiet. "Thank you." Michael and I said to Aaliyah in unison. Someone began clapping, Not too soon the whole room was clapping and cheering.  "Christina I just love your work! Would you like to design my wardrobe for the Are You That Somebody video?" Aaliyah asked me. "I'd love too!" I said with a smile. Aaliyah and I hugged. "Wait don't move! All of you standing here is historical! We have to get pictures!." said  a camera man as other paparazzi gathered around. We all smiled for them. I think that was the first time in a long time that we smiled for the paparazzi. I looked at Michael and he looked at me then we shared a kiss.  I love Michael, Ellie and Paris so much, I wouldn't be here if it's weren't for Karen.

I love her equally and just how I like it they are forever drivin' me crazy...

The end.

Thank you so much so much to all my readers, voters and commenters, lol. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I decided to add Aaliyah in the final chapter since today marks 13 years since her death...RIP Baby girl<\3 1979-2001

Twitter: @moonwalker__zi

If this chapter gets 100 votes there will be a sequel ;)

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