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Ellie's POV

I was in my bedroom watching TV. My phone started to ring. It was Daren. I quickly answered.

Me: Hey Babe!

Daren: Hey Beautiful how's everything?

Me: Ugh, not so great

Daren: I know, I saw. Who the hell is Bree?

Me: Exactly!  Ugh. People just crave attention

I noticed the water in my fish tank was bubbling. I looked at it with a confused expression on my face. All of the sudden, my frog Riley decided to hop out the tank and on to my bed. 

Me: Oh my God, Daren I'll call you back.

I hung up the phone. "Okay Riley, you have to go back in the tank." I said as I attempted to pick him up. He quickly hopped onto the TV. "Riley!" I said in a whiney tone of voice.  He kept hopping from one end to another I groaned from frustration. Riley hopped out of my room. "RILEY!" I screamed as I ran out into the hall. Paris was sitting at the top of the staircase with her nose in a coloring book . Riley hopped onto Paris's head. "Oh no..." I murmured. Paris was terribly frightened by frogs. "Paris,  don't move..." I was so stupid for saying that. Paris looked up, saw Riley and began screaming and running around the house. "Paris stop running!" I yelled as I ran after her . She ignored me. I signed and continued to chase her. We ran pass Dad who was in his studio. "Playing tag huh?"  Dad asked as he poked his head out while chuckling. "THERE'S  A  FROG ON MY HEAD!!!!" Paris hollered. "AND I'M TRYING TO GET IT OFF!" I screamed. "Uh-oh" said Dad as he exited his studio and ran after us.

Christina's POV

*Ring Ring* went the phone near by. I got up and answered it. "Hello?" I said.  No response, just heavy breathing. "Look, whoever this is I'm hanging up!" I said. "Christina you're going to pay." The person said, then they hung up on me. I groaned. I heard screaming, it sounded like Paris. I quickly ran out into the living room to see Michael, Ellie and Paris running in circles. Riley was on top Paris's head. I ran over to Paris. "Paris stay still...." I said as I carefully cupped Riley in my hands, "Thank you" said Paris and Ellie in unison.  "You're both welcome" I chuckled. I looked at Michael. He was all sweaty and his beautiful curls were down. He must have noticed me looking because he smirked at me. "Ummmm...I'm just gonna take him back to my room." said Ellie as she took Riley from my hands and went upstairs, "And...I'll get back to my coloring book" said Paris then she left. "What were you looking at?" Michael smirked and walked towards me. I backed away until my back touched a wall."Oh nothing..." I put up a front and walked out the room like a boss.

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