Mission Confidence.

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Christina's POV

Today Michael and I were determined to lift Ellie's confidence back up.  We had her stand infront a full mirror snd told her to pick out the things that she likes about herself.  "See?, there's alot of wonderful things about you Ellie. You just have to focus on those." I said to her. She sighed. "I wanna have straight hair like barb......." her voice trailed off and she looked at my reflection in the mirror.  "Mommy! You look like Barbie! " She said with her green eyes popping out her head. Michael tried to keep from laughing.  "Mommy, how is your hair so straight and shiny? " She asked she turned around with a confused look on her face. " I was born with honey." I said to her. She sighed again. "You have to be born with it???..hmm." She said as she sat on her bed and looked down. Michael sat down next her and began to talk to her. I was brain storming.  Then it hit me....what if I got Karen to flat iron Ellie's hair? I called Karen.  She said she would be here in about thirty minutes.  "Hey Ellie!" Ellie and Michael looked at me. "You're gonna have straight hair!" I said while smiling at her.  Her face brightened.  "Really how???!!!" She said while smiling.  "Yeah how?" asked Michael.  "You'll both see." as I said that the door bell rang.  We all went down stairs to answer it. "Hi guys!" Karen said withva smile on her face. We all greeted her with a hug. "So Ellie are you ready to have straight hair?" Karen asked her. "Yes" she said while smiling.  Karen took Ellie to go straighten her hair. It took about 20 minutes before they came out. "Mommy, Daddy look at my hair!!!!!!" Ellie said as she came running out. "Wow it looks so pretty! " I said.  "It's adorable! " said Michael.  "Thank you Karen" We all said in unison.  "Your Welcome. " Karen said while laughing and pulling out her phone.  "Oooh I've gotta go, date tonight " She said while smiling.  "Who with?" I asked. "One of Michael's back up dancers, Jeremy. " she replied.  We all laughed. "Bye" she said as she walked the door. "Bye" we all replied.  "Ellie are you completely happy with yourself now?" Asked Michael while smiling.  "Yes!" Ellue replied with laughter. Michael and I both let out a sigh of relief and Ellie laughed. She kept playing with and flipping her hair . She was having alot of fun. Michael and I were happy that she had her confidence back. "Babe... tonight I'm gonna show you why I wanted you over Tati." Michael whispered in my ear. My eyes widened. "Michael how did-" he cut me off. "You tend to say your thoughts out loud. " He said with laughter. I scoffed and playfully rolled my eyes at him.

There's a pic of Ellie with straight hair.  :)

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