Graduation Day

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Ellie's POV

Today was the day. I was successfully graduating middle school. I felt so proud. I was sitting at my vanity curling my hair. "Good Morning Graduate." Said Dad as he stood in the door way with a smile. "Good Morning Daddy." I said as I ran up to hug him. "Are you excited" Dad asked me. "Yes I am....and a little sad." I replied. "I know hun, you're going to miss your school, friends, everything ." said Mom walking in as she dried some tears. "Mom...are you crying?" I asked her. "Ohh....its just that you're growing up

and I'm so proud of you....we're bith so proud of you." Mom said as another tear rolled down her cheek. "Oh you guys!" I said as I pulled them both in for a hug and started to cry tears if joy and sadness. This went on for about 15 minutes. "C''s time!" Mom and Dad said as they went to get Paris then we headed to my school.


~At The Graduation~

The music began to play and we began to do the graduation walk. Daren and Amanda were right in front of me, but I wasn't going to let thier stupid relationship ruin my special day. We finished our walk and stood in our positions . Then we sang a few songs. Mom, Dad and Paris were right there smiling and taking pictures of me. was time. "I now pronounce you all...the official Graduates of 1994!!!!!!!" Yelled our Principal happily. We all screamed as we threw our caps into the air. I took some pictures with Mom, Dad, and Paris.


Daren's POV

Amanda's Mom took a picture of Amanda and I holding hands. Our relationship just didn't feel right. I still had feelings for Ellie but I was trying my best to get rid if them because she doesn't want me. Amanda kissed me on my cheek as  her Mom snapped another pic then she whispered in my ear. "I can't wait for you to see me in my dress for Prom tonight." Then she walked away with a smirk. Ummmm was I supposed to be turned on or? I looked at Ellie. She was taking pictures with her friends and family. Paying me absolutely no mind. I felt invisible to her, that was the worst feeling ever.  Why am I stressing over this girl that obviously doesn't give a flying shit about me? Why can't I just be satisfied with Amanda? Why can't I just move on? Why must Ellie be so damn perfect? These questions pondered my mind as I watched, the one I wanted, the one I maybe even loved, the one I should be with, pay me absolutely no mind.


Awwwww :( and AWWWWW! :)

Tbh writing this made me cry bc it made me think about my graduation day lmaooo.

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