The Trail

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Michael's POV

I still couldn't believe that Daren cheated on Ellie, and on the night we were supposed to meet him too! That made  me so angry, to see Ellie in tears. Today was the trail. I was just ready to get this over with.


Jordan's POV

"SHE THINKS I CHEATED ON HER!!!!!!!!" yelled an angry Daren as he punched a wall. I finished tying my tie as I responded.  "Look, we'll get  ya girl back , but first we've got a trail to loose". I said. Daren sighed. "How is she gonna react when she see's me at the stand????" asked Daren. I just shrugged and shook my head as we made our way out the house. "You're gonna be dead meat" I muttered to my Dad. He just cackled and rolled his eyes as we got into the limo. Daren and I looked at each other and shook our heads


Ellie's POV

We were in the limo, on our way to the court. I was still pissed and heartbroken about Daren. Maybe I should just give up on guys until I'm 30.  "We're here." said the driver. Dad's security guards opened the door and cleared the way for us. There were millions of Dad's fans screaming, cheering, saying he's innocent, holding up posters.  We made it into the court and walked into room.  We all sat and waited for the Judge to come out. "Ellie?" Said Paris. "Yes Paris?" I replied. "Is Daddy going to jail?" she asked worriedly. "No lil sis. Everything's gonna be just fine." I said as I pulled Paris into a hug. "Okay" she said as she hugged me back. "All Rise." said a cop as the Judge walked out. The Judge sat in his seat as he put on his glasses and read the case. "Evan Chandler has accused Michael Jackson of molesting his son Jordan Chandler." He said.  Dad and his lawyer were up at the stands along with Evan and his Lawyer and Jordan.  "Mr. Chandler please present your case ." said the Judge. I scoffed as Evan began speaking. "My son, Jordan told that Michael touched him sexually, and raped him."  The whole court room gasped. I rolled my eyes. "Mr.Jackson would you like to say something.??" asked the Judge. "Yes, I would never, ever, Ever do anything to hurt a child. I'd slit my wrists before I'd hurt a child." said Dad. "Then why the hell would Jordan tell me you molested him huh????!!!!!" yelled  Evan. "Mr Chandler ,please." said The Judge. "Is there anyone that one of you would like to call at the stand???" asked the Judge. "My wife Christina." said Dad. Mom got up and went to the stand. Every man in the room hooted at her and women stared in either admiration or jealousy. "Christina, how long have you and Michael been married?" asked Judge Quin. "We've been married  for 7 years now." said Mom. "Have you ever suspected that Michael is a pedophile?" asked Judge Quin. "Heaven's no! Michael loves children. He wouldn't do anything to hurt them! We have 2 beautiful daughters that he loves so very much. He has never layed a finger on either of them." said Mom. "Alrigh would Chandler's defense like to call anyone to the stand.

Chandler's Lawyer: Defense calls....Daren to the stand!!!!!!!!!

"What the hell...." I muttered to myself.  I saw Daren rise and go up to the stand. "Daren, you are the older cousin of  Jordan, and you did have a relationship with Jackson's daughter Ellie. Is that correct???" said Judge Quin. "Yes your honor." said Daren. I was looking dead at him as he avoided all  eye contact  with me. "Daren, have you ever suspected that Michael is a pedophile? That your cousin was being molested? That Ellie was acting somewhat funny?" asked Quin. "Well...I..I um." Daren studdered as he wiped some sweat from his fore head. "He wouldn't know that!!! He's never even met my Dad before!!!! " I yelled as I rose up. "Ellie sit down!" said Mom. I didn't listen. "Go on Ellie." said Judge Quin. "He's never seen my Dad in person, talk to him on the phone, no type of contact!!!!! So he can't say anything about Me or my Dad!!!!!!!. He dosent know my Dad. He didn't even know me at all!!!!" I yelled. "Ayee Ellie what are you so mad about!!!!!??????" yelled  Daren. The court was hooting and "oooohing".  "Gee Daren I don't know!!!!!! Maybe it's the fact that you knew ALL ALONG THAT MY DAD WAS  FALSELY ACCUSED AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE WATCHING EVERYTHING HAPPEN OR...THE FACT THAT YOU CHEATED ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!" I said. "OOOOOOOH"went the whole room. "Ellie, our relationship has nothing to do with this case okay!!!!!?????"  snapped Daren.  "IT HAS ALOT TO DO WITH IT DAREN!!!!! YOU KNEW MY DAD WAS FALSELY ACCUSED. YOU'RE RELATED TO THE ACCUSER FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!! YOU COULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!" I screeched. "ELLIE STOP GETTING IN YOUR FEELINGS!!!!!!!" He yelled. " I AIN'T GETTING INTO NO DAMN FEELINGS!!!!!!!!I'M GETTING INTO THE FACTS!!!!!!!!!!" I hollered. The room began roaring with conversation and "ohhhh's". "Order in the court!!!!! Order in the court!!!!!" said  Judge Quin as he banged his gavel.  "Well, tell us Mr.Chandler, was or was not Jackson falsely accused??????" questioned Judge Quin.  Evan let out an annoyed sigh as he spoke. "Yes, Jackson was falsely accused. He never did a thing to Jordan..or any child " said Evan. "Case closed!" said Judge Quin then we all cheered. Dad ran over to us and hugged us all tightly.  "See? I told you that we's be fine!" Dad said to me & Paris as he smiled. We all laughed. "C'mon let's go home and celebrate. " said Dad.  I saw Daren walking towards me. I walked away. "Ellie????" he said. "What???!!!" I said. "Aren't you happy??? Your Dad is innocent!" he said. "Offcourse I am. But that doesn't mean that you're off the hook. You still cheated on me  " I said as I walked away and left him standing there. A tear escaped my eye but I went on.


Yay! Michael's innocent!!!!! But will Ellie ever find out the truth about that photo of Daren & Amanda???

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