My God.

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Michael's POV

I was sitting down with hand cuffs on, waiting to be "questioned". This was just unbelievable. Who accused me of this????? And why would they do it???? I have 2 CHILDREN FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! I felt tears forming in my eyes but I couldn't wipe them since my hands were cuffed. I'd slit my wrists before I'd hurt a child. Finally this man came in and he sat across from me with a pen and notepad in his hands.  "Michael, Jordan Chandler and his father have accused you of child molestation, I'm going to ask you a few questions, you are also going to be in court in 2 weeks." The man said. I nodded. "Okay now, is it true that you slept in bed with underage boys?" He asked me. "Yes, but it was SLEEPING, nothing sexual AT ALL." I answered. The man looked confused. "Jordan's father told me that Jordan said that you "touched" him in private areas." He said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I never touched him! I never touched any boy or girl that has stayed at Neverland!" I said in the most honest voice that I possibly could have.  The man asked me a few more questions that were so disgusting then we were done. A lady walked in. "Mr. Jackson we have to take pictures of your genatals to see if they match Jordan's description of them"  she said. My eyes widened. My God.........

-An hour later-

Taking those pictures were the most embarrassing, nerve wrecking experiences of my life, but if that was gonna prove my innocence then so be it. I just arrived  back at Neverland. I got out my keys and opened the door. As I stepped inside I was greeted with tight hugs from Christina and  Paris. I laughed I gave them both kisses. I could tell they were crying, but their faces get puffy when they cry. "I'm gonna be fine you guys." I said as I hugged them both tightly.  "Where's Ellie?" I asked them. Christina sighed then spoke. "Ellie got into a fight with some girl today because she called you a pedophile, the principal suspended her for a Month. She's in her room crying her heart out. I tried talking to her but she locked her door and won't let anyone in."  I was so shocked and sad. "I'm gonna go talk to her." I said as I made my way to Ellie's room.  "Good luck Daddy" said Paris. That made me laugh a little but now was not the time for laughing.


Ellie's POV

I was in my room soaking my pillow with my tears. I heard Dad  talking and that made me cry even harder. I just didn't understand how ANYONE could accuse him of being a pedophile! Look at my Mom for God's sake! My Dad ain't no damn pedophile! I heard knocking at my door. "Ellie, it's Daddy...please let me in." He said. Hearing that made burst into tears. I was sobbing. "Ellie, I can hear you crying  please let me talk to you "  He said. I got up from my bed a slowly opened my door. Dad looked at me. His face represented nothing but sadness. "Princess....." He said.  I began crying again.  Dad looked so heartbroken. He picked me up and sat me on his lap while sitting on my bed. He was basically holding me like a baby. "Shhhh....." he said is he  stroked me hair and wiped my tears. I buried my head in chest and continued sobbing. I just couldn't help it. The media was hurting my Dad, they were hurting me. "Ellie, why did you get into a fight at school today?" he asked me. "Dad..this girl named Amanda called you a pedophile and she got the whole lunch room to say it. I just couldn't take it so I started swinging at her. No one says trash about you and gets away with it if I'm around." I said in between sobs. "Ellie, please promise me you won't ever fight matter what they do or say ever again ." He said. "If people could stop being ignorant pricks maybe I could promise you that " I said. Dad chuckled. "Ellie....." he said. "Okay Okay" I said as I raised my head from his chest and laughed a bit.  "C'mon let's see those pearly whites." Dad said as he wiped my tears. I smiled for him.  "There they are!!!!" he said and we both laughed.  "Dad?" He looked at me. "Yes sweetheart?" "Why are people constantly judging you?" I asked him. "It's because they don't know me as a person, they don't know me behind "The Fame" you know?"  He replied. We both sighed. "C'mon let's go eat!" Dad said playfully. "What's for dinner???" I asked while smiling. "KFC" Dad said while smiling. I playfully gasped. "With the chicken bucket????!!!!" I questioned in a playful shock voice. "With the chicken bucket!!!!???" he said with a devious grin as he rubbed his hands together. We laughed again and raced each other to the dinning room. Mom and Paris were already stuffing their faces. Mom looked at Dad and blushed. We all began hollering with laughter. "It's nice to see our Princess smiling again." said Mom. "I thought I was the princess!" said Paris as she pouted. "You're both princesses!" said Dad while kissing her cheek and mine as well.  Today didn't end as badly as I thought it would.


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