65. Hoodwinked

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"You know you're able to do things that you don't even deem possible- it's insane."


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I walked around the forest, hearing my feet crunching all the leaves and sticks under my feet. The forest wasn't silent. You could hear the different night animals moving through the trees. Not to mention the breeze, rustling the branches together.

I didn't have my cell phone on me and I'm pretty sure I lost it during our encounter with Johanna the tenth time we saw her yesterday. I think it was close to two in the morning. After a bit more explaining and talking, everyone eventually fell asleep. Mani remained awake, however. She was back at the fire circle. Once she discovered that she handmade arrowheads, she decided to give it a try. She's made at least three already and I think she'd have about ten when the sun rose soon.

I couldn't sleep so I told her I was going for a walk. After convincing Armani that i'd be okay and I could handle myself, I began to walk. It's just been me and my thoughts for the past hour. I had a lot on my mind.

I've been thinking about training as potentials, what we've been working on for a long time. I thought about our parents. Arden had a point- the gods were bound to check up on us at some point. Do we tell them? If we do, how much do we tell them? Everything?

I thought about Johanna. The things that she's done, that she's capable of doing. It was unsettling. No one, even the gods don't know where the three brothers of Olympus cast Cronus' body- how could Johanna possibly find him and manage to steal power from him? How is she stealing power from anyone?

The harpies, the kobalos, Zakari, and Kenai- why are they all working with her?

I was hoping that the Muses could help us. They know about Hera, they have the spell for Camilla to do and we can possibly get insight on how to stop her.

I sighed as I continued to walk between the tall trees. I followed wherever my feet took me. However, I paused when I heard a noise. I stilled and paid close attention to the sounds I was hearing. I shifted my head only slightly. It was definitely someone walking.

I wanted to believe it was just Armani who was bored with carving her arrowheads and decided to come and find me for company. It could be Armani. It probably was.

But my mind ruled out that it wasn't her. I didn't want to take any chances. Making a dagger appear in my hand, I shot around quickly and threw the knife at my target.

I was shocked when Arden leaned to the side and caught the knife with her right hand. He gripped the knife tightly and turned around and gave me a look. "Damn it, Zane. On edge much?" She twisted the knife in her hand as she stepped forward.

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