36. Welcome Back

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"I don't know about you guys but I'm thinking about making this place my second home." -Ace

"   -Ace

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"It's not funny." I groaned.

"It's a little funny." Perri replied to me with a smile. Okay, so everyone will not stop talking about how I opposedly saw Johanna yesterday. Of course they didn't believe me but, now they were pushing it.

We were all sitting down and having dinner when the whole dog-car-dress fiasco happened. I saw three things actually- the young boy who lost his ball, after the accident, he stood at a distance away from everything, just staring at the scene. Staring. His demeanor was impassive but I caught the ever so tiny smirk on his face just watching everything as it happened. Involuntarily, my capabilities were able to hint the driver of that black Range Rover had a small injury at the back of his neck. A puncture. From what, i'm not sure.

The last thing I saw, about ten feet behind the boy was Johanna. She was also gazing at the accident with a slight amused face- I think. The distance made it hard to tell. She had on a white shirt with dark jeans- I think. However, her hair was out and her glasses were missing-

That's why i'm pretty sure it wasn't even her. How could it be her? That shit doesn't even make sense! Johanna is back in America living her stupid normal life- what the hell is going on with me?

I think maybe because i've been thinking about Zane a little too much more than I wanted to these past few days- his fault by the way. He kept talking to me about Hayden and I, and the little sense of jealousy actually made my heart flutter and not to mention the stupid fire that won't fucking die-

Relax, Arden. Relax.

Anyway, after I stood there, staring at- who may or may not be- Johanna for a while, I could've sworn that she locked gazes with me. She seemed almost shocked and surprised that I was even looking at her. After a while, I swear she smiled- or smirked- at me. I remember it left an unsettling feeling in my stomach. It made me shift and squirm. She turned around and made her way down the stoned path, walking away from the whole scene.

I tried to tell myself over and over again that it wasn't her. But it took me off-guard. My friends obviously noticed and now that they know what has me so shaken, they keep teasing me about it.

"Arden, you're probably just overthinking about your situation with Zane." Nikki told me. Today, we were at the Temple of Hephaestus- another incredible breathtaking piece of architecture in this wonderful city. I freaking love Athens, there was always a part of me that felt super energized and powerful whenever I was here. I loved it!

By my side was Nikki and on the other was Perri. We were walking through the temple together, looking at the interior.

"I told you guys it was stupid, just forget about it." I mumbled.

Arden: The Gift Of DeliriumWhere stories live. Discover now