S3 E10 - To The End Of Time

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We're all kitting up for the search for Helen. We stopped by the ARC on our way here and quickly gathered anything that could be of use to us and now we're back at the race track. I've put together a rucksack with a few helpful pieces inside and am now loading my tactical belt. Once done, I join the others.

"So, what have we got?" Danny asks Becker.

"Stun grenades," he tells us. "Future predators have hypersensitive hearing, yeah? These should stop them dead in their tracks."

"You got any earplugs in there?" Connor asks.

"Use your fingers. And if you don't want your eardrums to burst, I suggest you keep your mouth open."

"That won't be difficult for Connor," Abby jokes and I smile. Even through rough situations, we still manage to maintain a small sense of humour.

"Don't be too close when you throw them," Becker adds.

"Alright, let's do this." Danny stands up and we all fall in line, walking towards the anomaly.

That's when our detectors go off.

"No, not now," Connor mutters.

"It's Johnson's HQ. Could be Helen?" I ask Danny.

"It could be. But if we go back there and we're wrong, then uh-"

"Danny, you need to make the call," Connor says.

He nods. "Right. Becker, you check it out. Sarah, go with him. Lizzie, Abby, Connor, you're with me. Wherever she is, we'll stop her."

I stuff my gun into my tactical belt and turn to Becker. We look at each other for a moment before I take his hand in mine and pull him close.

"Be careful," I say.

He lifts my chin and brushes a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "You too." At that moment it feels like I'm hit by fireworks as his lips connect with mine and he pulls me closer.

When we finally pull away from each other I grab his hand once more, scared to let him go. "We're gonna be fine, right?"

He nods, intertwining his fingers around mine. "Always. I love you Lizzie Cutter."

"I love you too."

"Unlock it," I hear Danny tell Sarah. "You ready?" he asks me.

I look towards Becker once more and he nods. I turn to Danny. "Yeah."

"Then let's go."

Stepping through the anomaly and seeing the apocalyptic landscape once more unsettles me. Is this really what the future will be like?

"It doesn't get any prettier, does it?" Danny comments and I shake my head in agreement. "You alright?"

I turn to face him, smiling slightly. "Yeah just- we're chasing my estranged mother through time." We start walking forward. "I was 10 when she first disappeared. I refused to talk about her with my Dad for so long. I guess, thinking back, we never really did talk about it, ever. I used to dream of finding her - and in my dreams I did; everything went back to the way it was - but it never happened in reality, and it never will. Not now."

"I didn't talk about my brother either. When someone you love so dearly goes missing, it's hard to comprehend. You can't grieve because you don't actually know where they are or what's happened. You just kind of shut down and hope the world will stop until you have all the answers you need."

"I thought when I saw her again everything would make sense. But she's twisted...and her reasons for coming back- they weren't what I'd hoped for." I take a breath. "Anyway, that's all over now. All that matters now is we stop her."

Elizabeth Cutter | PrimevalWhere stories live. Discover now