chapter 13

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"No Liam please" I said as he pushed the diaper in my face.

We played rock paper scissors to who's gonna change her diaper and Liam lost of course. He is playing with me right now and pushes the diaper in my face fucking hell.

He chuckled and I rolled my eyes playfully.

He threw the diaper in the bin and brushed her, he put pouder and put on another diaper. He was really good at this, he didn't even see the instructions or something. Are there instructions anyways?

"Have you ever done this?" I asked him and he smiled.

"Of course I have, she's my niece" he said and smiled at her.

She is always happy and smiling around him, it makes me think what kind of a dad would he be.

She raised her little hands and smiled at him. He lifted her up and started playing with her hands.

I smiled, he was si sweet with her.

When he looked at me he cleared his troath and kept a straight face.

"I'll- " he said but I interrupted him.

"I'll take her if you want" I said and he nodded.

"Sure" he said and gave her to me.

I went to the bed and lied her there. I lied with her and gave her the bottle with milk in it. After half an hour of her playing with my hair, she fell asleep. She was absolutely the cutest baby ever.

I stood from the bed and covered her with her blanket. When I turned u saw Liam behind me and I jumped in surprise.

He chuckled and came closer to me. He took my arm in his and examined it closely.

"It's bruised" he said and his expression started to change.

"No, it's fine Liam" I said and he shook his head.

"I hurt you" he said and I looked down.

"I'm fine" I said and got my hand out of his hold.

"Have you eaten anything?" he asked me and I shook my head.

"Come on I'll make you something to eat" he said and my eyes widened.

" Are you serious? " I asked him and he nodded.

He lifted me up bridal style and I squealed.

" Shh the baby is sleeping" he said and kissed my cheek.

We got out of the room, him holding me in his arms and he smiled.

"You're so light baby, are even eating anything? " he asked me and I laughed.

"Yeah I do" I said and he kissed my cheek.

We brushed past Michael and he was glaring us, I was confused to why would he glare at me? I didn't do anything.. Maybe Liam did..?

We reached the kitchen and he sat me on the counter.

"What do you want to eat angel?" he asked me and I shrugged.

"Anything is fine" I said and he smiled.

"I'll make you eggs" he said and I nodded.

He took a pan and scrambled the eggs in. He put the pan to heat. I couldn't help but stare at his back, his muscles showing as he worked with the pan.

"You can take a picture, it'll last longer" he said and my eyes widened.

How did he know I was watching him? He is turned with his back to me..

He turned to me and stood between my legs. He kissed me and for the first time I was higher than him because I was sitting on the counter. He put his hands on the side of my legs and I couldn't help but feel the tingles where he would touch me.

He slipped his tongue in my mouth without permission and I stopped him.

"Liam the eggs" I said and he turned to look at them.

"Shit" he said and went to the pan.

I hopped off the counter to help him.

"No, don't go there I'll handle it" Liam said as he stretched above him to stop the beaping coming from the machine thing because of the smoke the pan was producing.

"I'm fine, I'll just turn it off" I said.

"No don't- " he said but he was too late I already burned my finger.

" What did I tell you?" he asked me and I shrugged.

"Sorry..?" I said and he acme towards me.

He put me on the side and turned it off the beaping and the pan.

He threw the egfs angrily in the bin and went to the fridge.

He took a towel and some ice. He put the ice in the towel and came to me.

He took my hand and put the towel gently around my finger. I couldn't help but notice how careful he was and I stared at him working the whole time.

He kissed my finger and went to the fridge again. Liam took two more eggs and put them in the pan he put the pan to heat again.

After 10 more minutes the eggs were done and he put them in a plate and on the table.

"Eat" he said.

I went to the table and sat on the chair. I started eating and he was just staring at me. I couldn't stand the silence because It was suffocating me.

"Are they good?" he asked me. "Yes thank you"

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"No. Eat first, when you're finished you'll ask me" he said.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked anyways.

"Will you ever listen to me?"


"No, I'm not mad"

I finished the eggs and went to the sink to put the plate.

He pushed me against the wall and pinned my wrists above my head.

"You won't listen to me huh?" he asked me.

He kissed my neck and tried to find my weak spot. When he found my weak spot I fought against his hold and he chuckled as he restrained me, his strength overpowering me once again.

"Do you want me to teach you a lesson?" he asked me as he turned from my neck and looked at me.

I shook my head 'no'.

"Are you going to listen again?" he asked me again.

I nodded this time.

"I asked you a question" he said and gripped my chin harshly, forcing me to look at him.


"Yes what?"

"Yes, I will listen to you"


He kissed ny weak spot again and made a love bite there. I was fighting against him the whole time but he was too strong for me.

"Liam please stop" I said weakly.

When he finished he saw his work and he smiled.

" It looks good on you" he said and touched it with his hand that was not holding both of mine.

I flinched at his touch and he chuckled.

I heard Lilly crying and so did he.

" Lilly's awake" I said and tried to get away from his hold but he geld me tighter so I couldn't move.

"Are you done?" he asked me and I stopped struggling.

He looked at me for a moment and let me go. Just as he did I brushed past him and went to check on Lilly.

Mine (Liam Payne/ one direction)Where stories live. Discover now