Chapter 26

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I wanted to tell him so bad but i just couldn't. I knew i had to tell him because i couldn't leave him with my sister for long.

"Liam i- " i started and he looked at me. "I- "

Why is it so hard?

"Yes?" He said, getting impatient and i could sense it.

"I uhh i have to go" i said and he frowned. "Was that so hard to tell me?" He asked.

"I- yeah it's because i know we haven't seen each other but i have to babysit my sister's child she wanted to go out and- " i said and he nodded but he looked like he didn't believe me.

"Let me drive you home" he said and grabbed my hand in his large one.

I climbed in his car and he had the need to buckle me and then shut the door. When he reached to the other side of his car, he yanked the door open and started the engine.

I put my head to the door and closed my eyes.

It shouldn't be this hard to tell him.. I mean it's his child he deserves to know.

My hands became to moist and i didn't realise that i was gripping the leather of the car's door until Liam's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. "Yes, just a little tired" i said.

I got a text from my sister saying she put him to sleep but had to go for work and i thanked her and told her it's fine.

When we got home i had to wait for Liam to open my door because it was on child lock, how immature of him. He opened my door and i stepped out of it.

"Do- do you want to come inside?" I asked him.

He's asleep so Liam won't notice him.

"Sure" he said and i smiled.

I unlocked the front door and we got inside. I slipped off my shoes and motioned for him to go to the living room. I wasn't living with my father anymore and i bought my own house.

Liam sat on the sofa and i brought him a glass of whiskey even though i didn't like the idea of him drinking especially when our child is sleeping up stairs.

"So how have you been? Are you doing the same job?" I asked him and he took a sip from his glass. "Yes" he said confidently. "I just don't have girls to fuck, the drugs and everything else is still the same" he said.

Another reason why i didn't want to tell Liam about his son was because his job. It is not safe for him.

"Mommy i have nightmares" said William and we snapped our heads in the direction where the voice came from. I gulped and stood from my chair.

William ran over to Liam and stood between his legs. Liam looked at me confused and i was scared of his reaction.

"Mommy?" Liam asked and i looked down. "We'll have a talk about this later" he said threateningly and i noticed his eyes darkening. I shivered.

Liam took William in his hands and lied him in his lap. Will was asleep by seconds and was snoring lightly. Liam went up stairs with Will in his arms and after a few minutes he was back and he looked at me angrily.

Here comes the real nightmare..

Mine (Liam Payne/ one direction)Where stories live. Discover now