chapter 4

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Liam's POV:

I carried her to my bedroom and layed her gently on the bed. I undressed her and left her with only a bra and panties. She looks so hot.

Everything in my power is keeping me from fucking her right now.

She's just so beautiful and sleeping peacefully. I covered her with a blanket and she snuggled in it making her even cuter than she is.

I traced my knuckles on her cheek gently and watched her sleep for a while.

I am not a creeper it's just that she is so beautiful and so smart. She doesn't show that she's afraid although i know she is. She can't keep her mouth shut and says the wrong things at the wrong places in front of the wrong people.

It's just that she doesn't deserve this. It isn't her fault..

And i like her. All the other girls would just be afraid and they practically gave themselves to us. With her it's different, she knows how to fight for herselve and stand up for herselve.

She is a fighter and she won't be an easy one.

''Come on mate wake her up'' Louis said as he came in my room.

''No, i'll let her sleep'' i said. ''You're supposed to torture her'' he said and i looked at him.

''I will in bed'' i said and he chuckled. ''But seriously mate. don't get attached to her'' Louis said.

''I won't don't worry'' i said, Louis nodded and left.

I left her clother for today on the chair next to her.

I went to my room where i had my guns and knifes and my equipment and let her sleep.

Aria's POV

When i woke up the next morning i had a headache i squeezed my eyes shut because the light of the sun was burning my eyes.

When i opened them i noticed that i was in an unfamiliar room. I also felt that i was naked under the cover and my eyes widened.

Did Liam use me last night?

I saw clothes on the chair next to my bed and i took them. I quickly dressed and stood from the bed. It was a really soft bed and i didn't want to get out of it but i'm not safe here.

I looked around and this room was pretty huge with a bathroom, a walk in closet and another room i'm not sure what it is for.

I looked at the door that led out of the room i guess and i went towards it. Maybe i could sneak out of here.

''Morning babe'' i heard a deep british accent from behind me and i jumped in surprise. ''Going somewhere?'' Liam asked me as i turned.

He held a gun in his hand and i started shaking in fear. He putted the gun in his jeans and chuckled when he saw my reaction.

''Don't worry i am not going to use it on you'' he said. ''Yet'' he added as he came towards me and i shivered.

He kissed my cheek gently and i turned my head away from him. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

''You are going to obey me'' he said and traced his knuckles on my cheek gently. ''So we don't have to ruin this pretty face of yours'' he said.

''You would hit a woman? That's even lower than i thought of you'' i said.

He raised his hand to slap me and i didn't loose eye contact for a minute with him. He kept his hand up but for 30 seconds more and then he putted it down. He didn't hit me.

He grabbed my upper arm and dragged me towards him. Being the clumsy me, i stumbled and hit his hard chest. All i heard is a chuckle.

''You got lucky this time'' he said. ''But next time, watch your smart mouth'' he said.

''Michael!'' he yelled.

Just that instant a buf guy came at the door.

''Take her'' Liam said and threw me at the floor harshly.

Michael grabbed me and started dragging me out of Liam's room and in the cells i guess, ignoring my attempts of freeing myself from his tight grip.

Mine (Liam Payne/ one direction)Where stories live. Discover now