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“My six-word love story: I can’t imagine life without you.” – Anonymous


There was a deafening silence that cloaked the whole area. As if the glow of the surrounding has been eaten by the smoke of darkness. And there it was.

"W-What's the meaning of this?" Dara asked in a disbelieving whispered voice. Seeing your fiance kissing somebody wasn't the kind of view that Dara had expected. Especially when he's kissing her fiance's best friend.

The two who were seated on the grass a few meters away from her were stunned for a minute as they didn't expect Dara to be there.

When the situation registered on Chanyeol's mind, he abruptly stood up and faced Dara.

"What're you doing here?" Chanyeol asked a bit forceful. Shocked by the latter's presence.

"To find you. But what did I just find out?" Dara asked even though she already knew that they were kissing. It just couldn't register on her mind what she had seen.

"Dara, let me explain. I'm in love with Baekhyun for a long time now, before you even got back." Chanyeol held Dara in her shoulders.

There's no denying that she was shocked. Confusion painted his bare face. But one thing is for sure, she was hurt.

"B-But II'm starting to love you. I'm trying and you're just going to break me?" Dara's tears trickled down her face. Then there was it again, the heavy silenced atmosphere that had just got higher tension.

"Dara. I should have told you—" Chanyeol was cut off.

"And...Baekhyun, you knew things but you never told me? How could you do this? You even helped me get close to Chanyeol! You made me hope that he'll gonna love me!—And you betrayed me? I— I trusted you..." She just couldn't believe that this was possible. She really valued her friendship with Baekhyun and it breaks her that she's being betrayed by him.

She sacrificed a lot just to adapt to what his dad wants and this is what he gets.

"Dara, it's my fault. I fell in love with Baekhyun. I realized I love him that I can't let him go. And I can't live without him." Chanyeol stated. His voice was sincere his face was serious. The authority and dominance lingered in the air as he stood in the middle of the grass.

Baekhyun moved towards Dara and Chanyeol, his heart was heavy. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he forced his voice to speak up.

"I'm sorry Dara. I—I don't know how to say this but I never betrayed you. Y-You were a real friend. I let myself fall in love with Chanyeol. I should be the one to apo—"

"What kind of friend sneaks up with my fiance to do inappropriate things? Because all I thought you were real! Guess, looks could be deceiving after all. You have no difference with Jieun. And stop apologizing, as if it's gonna change things." A pool of tears was brimming on Dara's face as he stated these words, but his lips were tugged into a bittersweet smile that just breaks Baekhyun more.

Baekhyun swore that he wasn't prepared for this.

"You think I'm gonna slap you like other bitch out there? Well, I'm not. Because I'm not like you Baekhyun. I'm not like anyone else out there who can do these kinds of things! I just can't believe you could do this to me." Dara spoke. Her lips trembling and her tears are nonstop. The wind breeze just swayed her hair in the air.

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