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“Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”— James Baldwin


💕C H A N Y E O L ' S P O V💕

"Yeol dear, did something happen at school?" I looked up from my cereal, which I was pondering rather than eating. I slowly glanced at my mom.

"Maybe I can send Mrs.Lee to ask your teacher if you have problems in school." She stated while seeping from her tea. She watched concerned as I slowly grasped what she was talking about.

"It's not about school," I sighed, cold feeling surging from my chest, "It's Baekhyun." There it is.

"What's the problem with the two of you, love?" It nearly sounds foreign to me that my mom was asking me these kinds of questions from her long time business trip in Japan that took her nearly two months to leave the country and she just arrived home two days ago. Great. I just realized how lonely I am.

"We're not on good terms. And it's my fault. I'm being unreasonable and selfish to him. I don't even drive him home anymore because he's not texting me or even calling me when he heads home with his new friends. We don't even talk much like we used to. He's literally ignoring me. It's been three weeks and it frustrates me." The voice unconsciously slipped from my own mouth, as if the volume has been turned louder as I ran my hand in my messy hair in frustration.

She narrowed her eyes, "Did you already apologize to him?"

"On the phone, yes, and he forgave me, but I know it's not enough. I tried to apologize in person but I can't stand the guilt in my stomach. I don't know what to do." My palms found their way in my already crumpled face.

Instead of hearing some advice, I got nothing but a soft chuckle.

"This is the first time I've seen you this frustrated. And I realized that this was the longest talk you've ever made conversation with me." She chuckled once again and I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. Of course, it is, because Baekhyun is the one who always hears me out whenever I had problems.

"It's okay, I'm sure you two can fix this." She patted my shoulder, "Get dressed, it's getting late." She spoke, taking a glance at her watch.

"I'm not going to school today." I almost forgot the fact that I got injured from yesterday's practice. My knee has been scraped and my left arm had bruises too-from playing basketball. Now I remember why I asked Mrs.Lee earlier for some first aid kit.

"Oh, then I will go now love, I'm heading at the company. You know, your dad would be disappointed if I can't maneuver it perfectly. For your future." Yeah, dad and his plans for my life.

Let me clear out that she's basically heading to Bucheon, and it is a long trip from Seoul. That means I'm alone again. That allows me to drink few alcoholic bottles again.

With a nod, she was gone and I was left alone in our house with my cold coffee and untouched cereal.

I walked towards my room and closed the blinds of my windows. I hugged the pillow beside me and felt my tears flow one by one again. The pain from the fact that he had new best friends hurt me. I'm disappointed in myself because I thought that I will his best friend forever. I can't deny that my heart was broken by that reality. And that I had been officially replaced, though I'm lucky it's not Sehun, or else Baekhyun would be taken from me entirely.

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