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"You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me."


"Yah! Can you slow down a bit! Why are you mad?!" Baekhyun ranted while stomping, as he did his best to cope up with the latter's huge steps. Baekhyun was confused about why did Chanyeol had suddenly gone mad. Not technically mad though, he knew his best friend enough to say that he wasn't appealed to what he just saw before closing the door with a rather loud thud.

"I'm not mad." Chanyeol hissed with a bit of harshness in his detached voice that Baekhyun noticed. He kept walking at a fast pace, not even looking while the smaller was trying his best to cope with the distance.

He's mad. Baekhyun thought.

But why? He pinned.

"You're clearly mad! I've known you for how many years! I know when you're mad or not!" Baekhyun breathed, carrying his bag and a towel on his shoulder-that made him difficult to walk faster. He was a bit annoyed at Chanyeol's sudden mood swings. He doesn't even know why.

"THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL ASKING IF YOU KNOW?!" Chanyeol was so upset, as he stared at Baekhyun with furrowed brows. The latter cringed at his remoteness. Not to mention that his voice was scary and deep when he is angry. The silence followed suit, as they got into a heavy staring or rather glaring contest. Baekhyun realized that Chanyeol is acting weird lately, being so moody at various things.

Baekhyun mentally sighed.

Baekhyun knew better than to edge Chanyeol's temper than anyone else. He knew how bad Chanyeol acts if he was angry. He had seen Chanyeol's side of it.

"Chanyeol... Because I want to know the reason why you're mad. You just stormed out and banged the door like a mad man." Baekhyun tried his best to be calm with his soothing voice, he was tired from the chasing. His hair is still damp, now with sweat not able to dry it first.

He knew that Chanyeol couldn't be calmed when you match your voice with him in these kinds of situations. From the long time that they were best friends, he found out that Chanyeol's moody personality couldn't be matched up with another moody personality especially if you like to fix something in between.

You must be considerate, understanding and most of all try your best to stay calm and not be a crazy hysterical person. He hates that. And it'll just make things worst. Trust me.

"Please just give me a minute, or else I can't control myself. I could break his legs right this time and don't even feel sorry." He said as he calmed his breathing, his fists touching the wall, using it as leverage as he closed his eyes and remained silent.

"Hey, tell me," Baekhyun spoke in his tracks and slowed a little to catch up on his breathing. The taller's expression softened a bit yet he glared at the smaller person in front of him.

Chanyeol witnessing Baekhyun showering with some guy makes him angry. It makes him mad for no particular reason.

"What're you guys even alone there? And both fucking naked? Is he your boyfriend?!" Chanyeol yelled. He's really mad right now, he needed to bend his frustrations on something but Baekhyun is stopping him.

Chanyeol saw how Baekhyun and Sehun were so close in that small compartment as if they were doing intimate things. He saw how Sehun helped Baekhyun with the showerhead so that Baekhyun could wash his face better. And he saw how Sehun wear nothing but a boxer while with Baekhyun. And he felt angry and deceived. He felt as if Sehun was taking Baekhyun away from him. That Sehun is taking advantage of Baek's innocence and corrupting him. He doesn't want Baekhyun hanging around with others except for him. And he felt like he was being replaced. -And he hates the idea that he was being replaced. Especially by the latter. Especially something he claims as his.

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