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“I will love you until the stars go out, and the tides no longer turn.”


"But how come yours is bigger than mine?!" Baekhyun stomped, folding his arms like a petulant kid, looking down and feeling obnoxious.

"Because yours is different. Don't be sad, yours will grow bigger soon." Chanyeol patted the chubby smurf's hair while chuckling at his silly behavior.

Instead of calming down, Baekhyun whined in the verge of crying while looking at the young giant in front of him in disbelief.

"How come that it's different huh?! Yah! Chanyeol-ah, the seeds are packed in the same freaking sachet altogether!" Baekhyun retorted puffing some breathes and unconsciously forming his tiny palms into balls.

"Oh...Right." Chanyeol mumbles realizing that Baekhyun has a point.

"I cannot believe this! I wasted my one week allowance for school only to buy expensive sunflower seeds and I gave you half of it so that we can compete on each other whether whose sunflower is healthier and MINE IS FALLING BEHIND?! WHY ARE THEY SO SHORT AND YOURS ARE SO TALL ALREADY?!!" Baekhyun yelled, his chest heaving and his face turning red. He want answers. You can say that the cost of that seeds are just a coin away for most of the other kids but for Baekhyun's situation it was expensive. They're not rich after all, what to expect? Every penny counts.

Tears begun to form in his eyes as he remembered the days that he skipped snacks only to save money for him to buy the seeds downtown. Not to mention that he kept this thing from Chanyeol so that it'll turn up into a surprise challenge. He even trade his "empty good as new notebook" for a few coins just to buy it. - And now he was so annoyed and sad that Chanyeol's sunflower is blooming but his was still far from that.

"Shh...Aish you're so cute! Don't feel bad, maybe you don't water them regularly." Chanyeol started thinking a few things on why does his childhood best friend's sunflowers is so slow on growing. His own sunflower was taken care of from their gardener though so he has nothing to worry about it.

"No way! I water it every day! I also water it at night before I sleep!" Baekhyun wiped his tears on the corner of his eyes with the back of his small hands. He really does water his plant sometimes at night when he's brave enough to sneak outside while his mom and his Lil brother were doing laundry. He holds a flashlight in his right and drag a pail of water from his left arm only to quench the plant and then rushes inside quick as possible when he feels the creeps.

Oh boy, you just basically drowned the plant. Pft.., Chanyeol chuckled inwardly.

He was just 7 years old back then but look at how caring and cute he is.

"Maybe you're not using fertilizers?" Chanyeol has softly spoken while wiping the tears on the sides of Baekhyun. He knows that his best friend was sensitive and emotional and so he wouldn't dare to tease him once more.

"W-What is a fertilizer?" Baekhyun sniffled sitting on the ground and pouting while hopelessly looking at the bunch of sunflowers. It just hurts him that he thought that his was healthier than Chanyeol not before witnessing how his sunflowers grow that much and BOOM-he saw the tall and proudly standing sunflowers planted on their garden that would put his own sunflowers to shame.

"The thing our gardener spray unto the sunflowers twice a week." Chanyeol recited. His mom told him about it once when they were buying flowers in a flower shop.

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