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“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.”


"Chanyeol! Look! Look!! That looks like an elephant!" Baekhyun excitedly pointed his index finger at a particular cloud in the blue sky. He had been a giggly fuzzy kid since a couple of hours ago when Chanyeol had him walking in a grassy meadow that he found.

"Huh? It doesn't look like one. It looks like an airplane." Chanyeol teased, as he smirked while looking at the cloud that Baekhyun's slender finger pointed at. Well, of course, it looked like an elephant.

"Yah! You always contradict the things that I say!" Baekhyun retorted but then he smiled when he spotted another cloud that looked like a bunny.

"Oh! oh! There's a bunny right over there!" Baekhyun pointed at the sky once again, giggling and kicking his feet freely upon the air.

"Chicken." Chanyeol scoffed. Chuckling a little and earning a not-so-scary glare from Baekhyun.

They were just lying there in the grass field, under the kiss of the sun, and only the two of them versus the whole world. Baekhyun would nudge Chanyeol's side whenever the latter don't listen to his blabbers about the cloud shapes and all.

"Mm! I'm going to eat that fluffy cotton candy! Yum! Yum! Ngerb! Ngerb!" Baekhyun put his tiny hands in the air trying to reach the clouds and acted as if he was eating it with matching chewing sounds and gulping while clenching and unclenching his palms.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun in amusement, "Are you full? You're just talking about them earlier and now you're eating them. You're being a cute monster now are we?" Chanyeol ruffled the latter's head.

The sun suddenly popped out from behind the clouds, blinding the two young boys. Baekhyun immediately rolled over to Chanyeol and hid his face over the top of the latter's chest.

"Gosh, the sun was so mean today." Baekhyun muffle. Chanyeol just wrapped his left arm on the smaller's head while covering his own eyes with his right arm.

"He just wants to see you badly," Chanyeol commented while closing his eyes too, to avoid the blinding rays coming from the bright sun. A genuine smile was placed on his lips.

"Says the one who pulled me in a forest! I should be cleaning our house right now if weren't because of you. I just hope no bear here or vulture will eat me! I will offer you to them though, kekeke. I'll convince them that you're tastier even though I know that I'm more delicious." Baekhyun laughed smugly and hugged the taller tighter. The giant just rolled his eyes.

"You can't blame me. I've missed you. It's always been boring and silent at our house without you, my parents are always busy and they don't give attention to me. All I want is someone who could give me attention..." Chanyeol admitted in a low voice, he really meant it. A kid with busy parents mostly gets these kinds of feelings.

"Aish, we just met at school yesterday! Hmm, my mom is always busy too, she does laundry in the neighbors, in other houses, and more. My mom is the best, she also keeps people's houses clean!" Baekhyun spoke proudly in between Chanyeol's arms.

"I don't even know what was my parents' job. They just leave me with a couple of bodyguards and flee." The taller kid bitterly stated.

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