82. Howard Stark's greatest creations

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Galilea turned to see people fighting. Bullets flying around, bodies slamming against the wall, spiderwebs on the walls, Loki doing magic tricks. She didn't want to fight but that's what it's come down to.

All she wanted to do was to talk to that stupid Richard guy and tell him how wrong and how big of an idiot he actually is, but now everything is chaos and there's no way of stopping it.

Galilea suddenly felt like something was missing. She looked up at the ceiling and back down at the Avengers. Her eyes landed on Kamilla who's tapping something on a tablet. Kamilla's annoying battle music. She thought.

Dodging bullets and jumping over fallen things on the ground, she ran to her best friend and tapped on the shield "your fighting music"

"What?" Kamilla asked.

"Your fighting music. Play your annoying battle songs"

The strawberry blonde smiled widely "I knew you would come around on my fighting music"

"I need a distraction, Kamilla. Your fighting music will provide the distraction I need" Kamilla hummed and tapped the screen of the tablet.

A familiar tune from the eighties was heard and that caught everyone's attention, especially the kids "hey, that's my song! I chose that one!" He happily yelled.

"I get up, and nothing gets me down. You got it tough. I've seen the toughest around. And I know, baby, just how you feel. You've got to roll with the punches and get to what's real" Peter loudly sang.

The Avengers stared at the boy in amusement and slight concern as he began to dance and sing and then got punched because he was distracted.

"The kid must've had something before he came down here" Rhodey shook his head slightly.

"It was probably Loki. What is he even doing here?" Tony glared at the God of Mischief who is fighting alongside his brother.

"Beats me but-" Clint adjusted an arrow in his bow and aimed it at Loki "maybe I can shoot him"

"If the big guy can't smash his way out, what makes you think that weak-ass arrow is going to pierce it's way out?" Sam groaned from the floor, clutching his bleeding leg.

"The power of persuasion" Clint answered.

"The power of-" Sam scoffed and rested his head against the wall.

Clint turned to tell off the man but accidentally let go of the arrow and it hit the shield. It bounced off it and hit the wall and ricochet around the space their confined in. Everyone ducked and yelled at Clint.

The arrow kept bouncing around and it was heading straight to Clint. The archer found himself glued to the ground. Killed by one of his own arrows. Irony. Sweet sweet irony. But the arrow never pierced his skin.

A crack was heard and eyes went to Kamilla who held up the tablet in the arrows path. It went through the tablet and got stuck in it. The screen all cracked and black, no chance of repairing it.

"How are you still alive?" She asked the archer.

"Uuh- luck?" He offered.

Kami rolled her eyes and walked over to Happy and took the working tablet from him "honestly, if you guys would've listened to me in the first place then none of this would've happen!" She angrily yelled.

"So we took a detour" Tony shrugged.

Kamilla snapped her head up and glared at the billionaire "A detour? Take a look around Anthony, look where we are. We are stuck at the back of the room being held back by your sisters shield. The so called Revengers, are out there fighting Hydra guys and I'm pretty sure two of those guys are the bow tied bastards who messed with Galilea's head. Oh but the real head messer is stuck here with us- shut it ass-butt!"

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