63. Inhaler

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"Oh my god" Peter breathed out. Now that he's spent time with the Avengers and has gotten to know them personally, he now realizes that they are just a bunch of teenagers like himself. The only difference is that he's going to school and they aren't.

"Now that you're one of us, kid, you'll find that there'll never be a dull moment around here" Clint told Peter.

Peter's face lit up "do you mean it? Am I an avenger?" He happily asked.

"The day you become an avenger will be the day May knows about your identity!" Galilea told the boy. He pouted and crossed his arms across his chest. Clint laughed and patted the kid on the shoulder. "So tell me guys" Galilea adjusted herself on bed and winced a little "what's been going on while I was gone"

Suddenly a strong smell wafted through the room and took everyone by surprise "oh god, what the hell is that?" Natasha scrunched her nose. She got hit by the wave first since she's nearer to the door.

Gali began to cough "smells like chloroform" she coughed. Steve looked down at her weirdly, silently questioning how Galilea knows what chloroform smells like.

Natasha stepped out and Galilea kept coughing "some idiots dropped some chloroform bottles and the fans caught it" Natasha informed as she stepped back in the room.

"Wow that's a strong smell" Steve waved his hand around for the smell to dissipate.

Galilea kept coughing and she felt her chest tighten and her breathing quickened. Oh no. She thought. She tried to take in a breath of air but she struggled. She feels like she's drowning in air.

Tony took notice of it and reacted quickly "oh my god Gali, oh my god breathe" Tony told his sister. She gave him a look as she was struggling to breathe and continued coughing.

"You can't tell a person who's having an asthma attack to breathe!" Kamilla yelled.

"Right, right. Here" Tony dug through his pocket and pulled out an inhaler. He shook it before bringing up to Gali's lips and pressed it. Gali inhaled once, twice... She was beginning to feel better.

"Thanks" she took the inhaler and took steady breaths.

"You have asthma?" Steve asked his girlfriend.

"When I was little. Why are you carrying this around?" Galilea asked her brother and leaned back against the pillows and placed a gentle hand on her tender sides.

"You never know when you'll need it" Tony shrugged "and you should've seen her, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff" he waved his hand around.

"I hardly believe she was a puffer" Rhodey spoke up.

"You make her sound like a pufferfish" Jane smiled.

"I called her Mrs. Puff once, she did not like that" Kamilla shook her head.

"Mrs. Puff?" Thor questioned.

"Oh Thor, I gotta show you SpongeBob one of these days" she said. The group laughed and Steve turned to Gali to see her sleeping.

"Well she's passed out" he commented.

"What kind of drugs are they giving her?" Tony checked her chart.

"Let's go then. We should let her rest" Pepper spoke up.

They began to stand up and Kamilla grabbed her laptop which was still on Gali's lap. Tony reached for the inhaler and set it on the nightstand next to Gali. When he took the inhaler his hand brushed against Gali's hand and her dream suddenly changed. Not just for her but it was witnessed by everyone in the room.

You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang