15. Steve and the 21st century

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It's been 3 days since Kamilla sprained her ankle, she spent the first day at Stark Tower but she was bossing everyone around, even Jarvis. So Tony ended up calling Emil so he can pick up Kami.

Tony and Bruce have become best friends. They spend their time down in the lab while Pepper and Galilea go around with their daily routine. And what Galilea considered her daily routine is ransacking the kitchen for food and watching old tv shows. Like Mr. Belvedere.

Her ringing phone pulled her away from Wesley's antics, and she picked it up to see an unknown number calling her.


"Galilea?" Someone asked, although the voice seemed strangely familiar to her

"Yes. Who's this?"

"It's me, Steve" Steve? Why's he calling? Never mind why he's calling, I haven't seen or heard from him since Thor left with Loki and the Tesseract, so him calling me has made my day.

"Hi, how are you? Wait, how'd you got my number?" Gali asked.

"Uh, it was in a file. Listen, I was wondering if you could help me with something"

"Sure, with what?"

"What's Twitter?" He asked so innocently yet so confused. Gali found it cute but at the same time funny. She couldn't help it when she burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's just- you're funny. Okay, so Twitter- you know what, why don't you come over to Stark Tower and I'll answer all your questions" She suggested.

"Okay, I'll be there" he said. 

"Okie" She hung up and went down to the lab.

She put in the password and as soon as she stepped in, she heard a loud BOOM, followed by smoke. Coughing, she waved her hand to clear the smoke away from her face. Slowly the smoke dispersed and when she got a clear view she could see two coughing scientists. They look like Seamus from Harry Potter after his spells explode. 

"What the hell happened?" Gali coughed.

"An experiment gone wrong" Bruce coughed.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yes" they replied. 

"Good because I need you to clean this up" Gali motioned to the mess they made "Steve is coming over"

"Why is Capsicle coming?" Tony asked.

"I'm going to teach him the new modern ways" Gali informed.

"Have fun" Bruce said.

She eyed the mess they were in "Unfortunately I can't say the same to you two" She made her way to the door "Clean this up" She said before walking out.

Galilea looked around the living room. The floor is fixed, along with the windows and everything outside in the balcony. The big STARK sign is also fixed. Everything is back to normal again. Gali sat down on the ground in front of a glass table, she clapped twice and played candy crush on the table.

Steve walked through the newly fixed Stark Tower. It's a big contrast to what he walked through his first time around. Everything looks so new and expensive.

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