48. The Summer Soldier

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A tired, bruised, weak Stark girl laid on the floor. She's been dozing in and out of consciousness for hours, her head hazy and pounding. It hurt to move but she stared at her fingers as she slowly moved around.

"Try, to remem- ber... the k-ind of- sep... tem... ber..." She croaked out.

Her throat is raw and her voice is raspy. If she keeps talking then she'll lose her voice but she doesn't care. As long as she has the ability to talk, she's going to annoy those Hydra agents as much as she can.

"When life... was slo-w and oh... so- mellow..." She heard the familiar hissing of the vents and soon was engulfed in white vapor. She breathed it in and felt herself feeling better but she wasn't fully healed. Just enough to not hurt when it breathes and she can move around a bit.

Galilea turned her head and saw Richard Roman standing outside the cell "Hey, what brings you to my slice of hell?" Gali weakly asked. A small smile on her face. Her eyes darted around the room but she didn't see the knockoff Supernatural angel "where's Castiel?" She asked. It's odd to think but, Gali often found herself asking for the man when he wasn't there.

"He'll be here soon" Richard assured and pressed something on the glass and the door slid open "now come on, I want to show you something"


"Get up"

"Do I have to? I'm fine here" she said. Richard rolled his eyes.

"Get. Up"

"Ask nicely"

He mumbled a string of curses under his breath and the door slid open. Castiel casually walked in "finally someone who can reason with this girl"

"If you think I can reason with her, then you are seriously mistaken" Castiel chuckled.

"For once I agree with Jerome" Gali nodded.

Richard groaned and told Castiel to pick her up. He did so with many protests from the girl and walked out of the room. Gali stared at Castiel the whole way and he became irritated. "What?"

"You really do look like a young Jude Law" she said "hey Jude, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better..." She weakly sang.

"Every second I spend with you, I lose my will to live" Castiel muttered.

"Aww, don't say that" the girl cooed "where's Mary Crawley?" She asked. 

"One of these days Mariana will shoot you" Castiel told the girl. I'm counting on it.

They entered a room that's full of screens but the much larger and bigger screen at the back of the room is what caught her attention. That one, unlike the others, is off. Why? Castiel set her on a normal chair and Galilea looked around the screens.

They're news feeds from around the world. They're muted but all she needed to see were the images of destruction. Explosions, buildings collapsing, assassinations of big political figures, amongst other things. It was all horrible.

She didn't understand half the headlines because they were in different languages, but the ones she did understood, she quietly read them under her breath. She stared in horror at the people running from burning buildings, kids begging for food. The economy of countries rapidly declining and it's all because of them. Hydra is responsible for everything in those places and they won't stop.

"How can you work for an organization that does so much horror to the world?" Galilea whispered.

Castiel licked his lips before answering "I have my reasons" he muttered, not looking down at the girl.

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