30. Truth or dare

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"Look Jones" Gali started but was interrupted the man once more.

"Miss Stark, we need to send Miss Rivers to France. She's the best spokesperson Stark Industries can offer. With her, Mr Dufort will sure accept the offer and the sales will increase at least 27%" Gali rubbed her temples.

"I know, Jones. But Miss Rivers is in no condition to travel. And her husband will not allow for her to leave the country, even if she agrees" Gali told him. Jones continued to argue and Gali let out a breath. She sat back in her chair and listened to him argue.

She's in her office arguing through the phone with one of the publicists. She ended up putting him on speaker phone because she's tired of hearing him right in her ear, besides she has papers to sign and fill out.

The door to her office opened and Tony walked in. He heard the arguing from Gali's phone and pointed at it, silently asking who it is  "Jones" Gali mouthed. He nodded understanding. She went over to Tony and left the man talking alone. He's keeps repeating himself and he doesn't listen to Gali, so it doesn't matter if she leaves him talking alone.

"Did Kami take care of things?" She asked since Kamilla is placing a better security system on the computers.

"She just finished. But she said she was going update everyone's games in the computer. Did you know 63% of the employees have candy crush on their computers?" Tony asked.

"Really?" Gali tried to act shocked but failed. Tony gave her a look.

"What level are you on?"

"134" She replied. He shook his head and Gali went back to her desk. Jones is still arguing. When is he going to understand?

"Therefore Miss Rivers must go"

"Adriana Rivers is not going anywhere! Lauren Segel and Patrick Blair will be going and-"

"Segel and Blair aren't as experienced as Rivers. She's the one who needs to go, I'm sure her husband will understand and-" he kept talking and arguing. Galilea was growing impatient and angry. She slammed her hand on the desk as she stood from the chair.

"Listen Jones, Rivers isn't going to France. I'm not going to send a 7 month pregnant woman to the other side of the world. Her husband doesn't want that, and neither do I. Even if she would agree to go I would be here talking her out of it. She's about to go on maternity leave and she needs to rest before she gives birth to twins! Do you not understand that?! Not one, but two. Segel and Blair are very well experienced and know how this company works. So don't come telling me that they don't know snap about how we operate!" Her voice got louder the more she ranted. 

"They will be leaving next Tuesday, and I'm not changing my mind about this. Also, I do not appreciate the attitude you're giving me right now. So I suggest you bring it down a little and forget about Rivers going to France. Are we clear?!" She asked.

"Y-yes, crystal"

"I'm glad we could come to an agreement, thank you Jones" She hung up and flopped down in her office chair letting out a loud sigh. God he was annoying.

She looked up and saw the whole team standing in shock "uh" Gali started.

"Wow, I thought Bruce was that one who's supposed to do the hulking out" Clint motioned to Bruce.

"Talk about a bad day at work" Jane commented.

"Lady Stark can put someone in their place. You should come to Asgard and train the Warriors with that commanding voice of yours" Thor said. Gali blinked and stared at him.

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