53. Do you remember?

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The day she got engaged was one of the happiest days of her life. It was three months after Tony Stark returned home from being held captive by the Ten Rings. He returned a changed man and designed his Iron Man suits.

During the three months Tony was gone, Galilea was worried sick about her brother. She didn't sleep, she didn't eat. She couldn't take over Stark Industries because she was too worried. Too worried to even notice that the company's manager, Obadiah Stane, was arms trafficking to criminals around the world.

Of course Galilea had Pepper but she was only Tony's personal assistant during that time, but they were good friends. There was also Happy. And then Kamilla who finally drugged her after five days of not sleeping. She also had Justin. He was there for her. Sure Justin and Tony don't like each other and they're business rivals, but they both cared for the same person very much. Galilea.

Tony wasn't very keen on the idea of his little and only sister to be dating his rival, but he saw how happy she was with him and agreed to try to be nice with him on the condition that Justin would be nice to him as well.

They dated for three years, six months. Galilea's most serious relationship. They had a beautiful, strong relationship. But like every couple they had their arguments, their issues, nothing they couldn't work out. Still they loved each other very much.

Justin decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Galilea and so began to look for rings. Kamilla had spotted him looking up rings on the Internet and that's when she helped him. It took them a couple days to find the perfect ring and he had the perfect idea of how he was going to propose.

They lived in California at the time, and because they both have a sweet tooth, they went for some ice cream... in Italy. Galilea really didn't think much of it because they would often go out of the country to get away from things. But that was the first time since Tony came back home, that they took a small trip.

She remembers what kind of ice cream she had. Mint chocolate chip, her favorite. Justin was having the classic vanilla and chocolate ice cream. It was in a bowl, and it had whip cream and the classic cherry on the top.

He didn't do anything cheesy, he didn't put the ring in the ice cream, nor in her food, especially not in the bottom of her champagne. He had casually slid the box across the table when Galilea wasn't looking, he was hoping that she would see it when she turned around but she didn't. Sometimes she's just as observant as a brick wall. He kept glancing at the box to make sure she doesn't accidentally knock it off the table, but she never noticed the wary glances her boyfriend was casting.

"Gali" he spoke up.

"Hmm?" She looked up at the man sitting across from her.

"I've been waiting for twenty minutes for you to notice the box"

"What box?" She asked. His eyes trailed down to the small black velvet box by Gali's right elbow. She looked down and stared at it in confusion "what-" her heart fluttered and she let out a small gasp. Her eyes locked with Justin's and he smiled.

"Galilea" he began "will you marry me?"

"What, no speech?" She smiled "no highlights of our time together. No cheesy one liners?"

"Well I had a speech but you know I'm not really good at that stuff" Justin admitted.

"No you're not" Gali said with a chuckle and a slight shake of her head.

"But I do love you very much, I hope you know that" Justin reached across the table and grabbed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"I love you" Gali said with all her heart.

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