11. Bad discussions

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So many long and complicated words, Galilea has absolutely no idea what they're talking about. She sat down across from Steve and tried to understand what her brother is talking about.

"It's good to meet you Doctor Banner. Your work on anti electronical collisions is unparalleled, and I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn to an enormous green rage monster" Way to go Tony. Way to go. Doctor Banner looked uncomfortable.

"Thanks" he said uncomfortable.

Galilea then saw an old friend walk in. Well, if one considers Nick Fury to be a friend, then yes.

"Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube, I was hoping you would join him" he told Tony.

"Nicki! Last time I saw you was in California!" Gali smiled. He gave her a look "Okay then" She took her phone out and began to play candy crush, completely zoning out what the group is saying. What brought her back was Nick saying,

"Personal flying monkeys!"

"Monkeys? I do not understand" Thor said confused.

"I do!" Steve exclaimed "I understood a reference" Happy that he knew something for once. Tony rolled his eyes, and Gali smiled. That's cute.

Tony turned to Dr. Banner. "Shall we play, Doctor?"

"This way sir" Banner motioned to a door and they left, leaving Gali with the rest of the team.

Just as they left the room, the guy that Tony pointed out for playing Galaga, resumed on playing. Gali rolled her eyes. Who am I kidding? I would be doing the same thing if I weren't here.

"Stark!" Fury called out. 

"Which one?" Gali looked up from her phone. Thor looked at her in confusion.

"There is another one?" He asked.

"Yes, 'there is another one'" She said in his accent "Why do you say it like its a bad thing? I'm the other Stark" She pointed to herself.

"Are you his daughter?" He asked.

"God no" Gali furiously shook her head. Daughter? I wouldn't want to picture Tony as a dad. I don't even know how he would be like one "I'm his sister"

"Which is why, you being his sister, I want you to look over him" Fury said. Look over him? I'm not his babysitter. She gave Fury a confused look.


He opened his mouth to say something but she spoke up "Enough said. I think we all know why Tony needs a babysitter. I nominate Natasha for this task" she pointed at her friend. She gave her a 'hell no' look.

"Okay, I nominate Phil" She pointed at him. He pressed his lips together and shook his head.

"Then I nominate-"

"No more nominations Stark. He's your brother, your responsibility" Fury stated. Well this sucks.

"Do I get paid?" Gali joked. Fury looked like he was about to strangle her with his eyepatch. She jumped out of the chair and held her hands up to calm him down.

"Relax, you know I'm just playing around" he kept glaring at her. "Nick, relax" She used compulsion. He started to relax but then snapped out and snapped at her again.

"Use that one more time on me and I'll personally throw you in the cell with Loki"

"Well maybe that way I could get him to tell me where the Tesseract is" she mumbled. Steve heard what she said and asked her to repeat herself. Even tho he clearly heard it.

You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora