76. Diva

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"What exactly are we doing up here?" Happy looked around the roof of Stark Tower.

"Waiting for reinforcements" Maria answered.

After the Avengers left, Gali, Phil, Maria and Kami quickly left Shield base and went to the tower. Gali got a hold of Happy so he can be the getaway driver.

The five people stood on the roof as Gali held up a sign for Heimdall.

"Are you sure he can see it?" Kamilla asked from the chair she's occupying, an open laptop on her lap as she's helping the team. They don't know about what they're doing, only Thor knows.

"He can see and hear everything in the Nine Realms" Galilea clarified as she kept holding up the poster she made. It reads in big bold letters 'Send the diva down!'

"Do they know that we need Loki today?" Phil asked.

"Yes. Thor told Heimdall yesterday and he told Odin. The chain, Phillip. Follow the chain" Galilea dropped her tired arms.

Without warning a deafening sound was heard and a bright flash of light was seen. They covered their eyes for a moment and then it was gone.

"I am not a diva" Loki coldly said.

"Yeah right" Gali snorted. Her eyes went down to his handcuffed wrists "do you come with a note or something?" She eyed him up and down and circled him.

Loki rolled his eyes "I'm not a dog"

"So yes?"

Loki groaned and handed her a folded piece of paper. Gali took it and read it. It's a message from Frigga that tells her that Loki has been warned. If he tries to take over the world again or betrays her or anyone, there will be consequences.

She also warns Gali that even tho Loki is there to help, she should still keep a watchful eye on him. He likes to play tricks.

"Heimdall is going to keep an eye on us? Geez, that won't be fun" Galilea muttered.

"You tell me" Loki mumbled in agreement. Gali folded the paper and stuffed it in her pocket.

Loki's eyes scanned over the faces of those on the balcony. He's never seen those people before but then his eyes stopped on a familiar face "you. I killed you. Why are you alive?" He tried to make a move towards Phil but Galilea held the Asgardian back.

"Easy Lucky"

"Nice to see you again Loki" Phil nodded. Loki grumbled. He can't believe that Phil is alive. He killed him. He drove his scepter right through him, he should've died but he's right there. Living, breathing and all.

Galilea turned over the poster and held it up to the sky. It reads 'thank you' "We'll take care of the diva!" She shouted.

"I'm not a diva!" Loki argued "and who are these people?"

"This is Agent Maria Hill with Shield. That's Happy, head of Stark security. The girl on the laptop is my best friend Kamilla and you already know Agent Coulson" Gali introduced "people this is Loki. Certified crazy and class-A diva" Loki threw a death glare at Galilea.

"Yeah, I know who this punk is. I would slap you if it weren't for the fact that you're helping us" Kamilla glared at the green clothed Asgardian.

"What's her problem?" Loki raised his handcuffed hands and pointed at Kami.

"Well you know, her brother was caught in the middle of the New York battle. But who knows why she's mad at you" Gali sarcastically said.

"We should get going. We still need to pick up the kid" Maria informed.

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