44. Not this guy

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"Good morning sleeping beauty" Sam smirked at Steve.

He sent his friend a glare before grabbing a mug and pouring himself some coffee. Tony walked out of the kitchen with a cereal bowl in hand and sat down at the table. He grabbed his tablet and began to tap furiously. Neither Tony or Steve said anything. The group stared at each other and shrugged.

"At least they're eating" Jane whispered to Rhodes.

"And sleeping" he whispered back.

The tension in the room was palpable. Neither Tony or Steve have spoken to anyone since they were drugged a week ago. Tony talks with Pepper but that's about it. Clanking of spoons and forks scraping against plates was heard around the table. Clicking of the keyboard Tony has connected to the tablet was also heard. Everyone looked at one another in discomfort, daring each other to say something.

At the end it was Kamilla who spoke up "all right you two, what crawled up your asses and died?" Steve and Tony looked up at the strawberry blonde girl, slightly offended.

"Well, where do we begin?" Tony sarcastically asked "my sister being kidnapped"

"We don't know who took her" Steve continued.

"We aren't any closer to finding out why" Tony said.

"She's been gone for two weeks" Steve added.

"And you drugged us!" Tony finished.

"I had to drug you to get you to sleep! Neither of you had slept for four days. Tony was beginning to mumble to himself and you-" Kamilla turned to Steve "had punched your way from here to Canada. Your knuckles were bleeding. So I'm sorry for caring about your health, you morons!" Kamilla slammed her hand against the table and the plates rattled.

Tony and Steve looked away in embarrassment. Kamilla loves Tony like a second older brother and he loves Kami as a second little sister. They've known each other since they were young. Sure they argue and act like they don't like each other at times, but they're family. Kami has been there for Gali when he couldn't. She stood by her side after her and Tony had that awful argument that caused Galilea to run away. Most importantly, she was there for both of them after they lost their parents.

Tony looked up at Kami with his big brown eyes, just like his sisters and said "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too" Steve nodded "and thank you for looking after us"

Kami pursed her lips and nodded. She sat back down and drank her orange juice.

"Gali wasn't in the best shape when you got kidnapped too" Pepper told her boyfriend "she didn't sleep for five days. Kami had to drug her and she wasn't very happy when she woke up"

"She was fine, just a little mad" Kami waved it off "and she got through it at the end and so will you two" she told Tony and Steve.

"She was not just mad. She threw something at you, didn't she?" Pepper told Kamilla.

"Some giant frisbee. I'm not sure" Kami shrugged and took a sip of juice.

A knocking at a window was heard and everyone turned their heads to the balcony to see Spider-Man  waving excitingly.

"Not this guy!" Clint rolled his eyes in announce.

Bruce walked over to the balcony glass doors and pushed one open to let the spandex wearing teenager in "Hello!" He beamed.

A murmur of "hello's" and "hi's" was heard around the table.

"Who died?" Spider-Man  questioned. Everyone gave the masked teenager hard looks.

You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن