85. Jenga

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She sat on a bench under the warm sun. The gentle breeze picked up the sent of the flowers in the garden. Galilea took in a deep breath and coughed. Bad idea. She took out the red inhaler, the one she has to use once a day, and took two puffs.

"Hi Mrs. Puff" her brother smiled. Gali rolled her eyes and Tony laughed and sat down next to his little sister "you okay?" He asked.

Gali nodded "yeah. Why?"

Tony shrugged "making sure my little sister is alright. It's my job to look after you"

"And who looks after you?" Gali asked. 

"Myself" he answered. She laughed and shook her head "how are those old timers doing?" Tony turned to where Steve and Bucky are walking around the perimeter, talking.

After he mayhem at the break room calmed down, Galilea was able to introduce Bucky to everyone. Again they were kind and welcoming. The two best friends from the 40s were happy to see each other and then decided to catch up. So they went outside where no Avenger will disturb them.

Galilea followed them and sat on a bench. She kept an eye on the guys, just to make sure that Bucky won't flip or something "they're doing well"

Tony stared at the two 40s men for a minute. He grew up hearing stories about them. Like his sister he grew tired of the stories and would often tell his dad to stop saying the stories.

After his parents died he realized how much he missed hearing about Captain America and Sergeant Barnes. He would've given anything to hear his dad recount another story. He never thought, not even in his wildest dreams, that the two men he grew up hearing stories about would actually be alive and trying to adjust to living in the 21st century.

"The two guys dad never shut up about. God if he were alive now..." Tony shook his head, already picturing how his dad would be acting right now.

"I know. My god. He would've been flipping his shit" Galilea agreed.

Tony laughed loudly at his sister. He then turned to her and asked what he's been wanting to ask for months "hey, remember when you made those videos about you running blood tests on your blood and Steve's?" Gali nodded "well at the end of a video you said that it was all crap. Why was it all crap?"

"I said it was crap if my suspicions were right" she reminded.

"Were they right?"

"Part of it" she nodded and stayed silent for a minute. Tony waited for Gali to continue but she didn't

"So what was it?" He curiously asked. 

"Turns out the accident in dads lab only strengthened my powers"

"What do you mean?" Tony scrunched his eyebrows.

"I was actually born with these powers. Mom and dad gave me something to suppress my powers. Like medicine. Crush up something in my food. When I began to use my inhaler it was like a double kicker, help me with my asthma and hold back on my powers" Galilea explained.

"So when you got in that accident the serum only strengthen your powers" Tony continued, understanding what Galilea means.

She nodded "they noticed that they couldn't stop them from getting stronger so they stopped"

"Aren't you mad they did that?" Tony asked his sister.

"No. I mean can you imagine trying to control a one year old who can move things with her mind? Can you imagine how freaked you would've been? I mean you freaked when I got them and you were a teenager" Gali explained.

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