86. Aunt May

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It's been a week since Bucky was saved. He's been at Shield the whole time, they're making sure he's alright and running a few tests. But they're optimistic that he'll be alright, especially since Galilea helps him with the words and he's gotten to know everyone in the team.

The Avengers are getting use to Loki. They still want to kill him from time to time as does he, but no problems have arise. Gali is trying to convince Odin to let Loki out of space jail as she calls it. She's somehow managed to convince him to let Loki free on earth as a trial, and if he does well then he'll be free, if he doesn't then he'll be sent back to Asgard and locked away. They know of Loki's heroic actions when they went to save Bucky, but one good deed won't erase what he did in New York.

One day the Avengers unsurprisingly found themselves in the break room at Shield, when a troubled looking Peter entered the room "what's wrong kid?" Sam was the first one to notice Peter.

He bit the inside of his cheek and looked around the room "uh- there- something kinda happened" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"What kinda happened?" Bucky asked.

"Uh- you see, what happened was-"

"What did you do now?" Galilea sighed like an exasperated mother of a teenage boy. This must be how Phil feels when one of us does something wrong.

"Well- well I was in my suit at home and-" before Peter could finish explaining an angry aunt May barged in the room.

"Peter is Spider-Man?!" Eyes widened and some leaned back as to avoid the wrath of aunt May.

"Oh shit" Galilea breathed and dropped her head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" May asked Gali.

"I didn't want to worry you" she answered.

"I'm always worried about him"

"Well I didn't want to worry you more"

"Oh my god, so the internship" May said in realization.

"There was never an internship" Peter spoke up.

"I'm sorry" Gali apologized.

May looked like she was about to say something but thought against it. She took in a deep breath to calm herself "how long have you known?"

"A year and a half"

"A year and a half" May gasped and turned to Peter.

"How did it happen?"

"I got bit by a spider" he answered.

"You got bit by a spider?" She asked in disbelief.

"A- a radioactive spider. I then started to develop these senses and then, well, I was Spider-Man" he hastily explained. 

"When did this happen?" May asked her nephew.

"About two months before uncle Ben died" he mumbled. May gasped and her knees weakened. She took a seat in the nearest chair.

"Look, May" Gali sighed and sat down next to the antsy woman "when I found out about Peter I reached out to him. I told him to stop putting himself in danger and even tho he listens to me half the time" here she glared at Peter and he smiled nervously "and drives me crazy and exasperates me and does the complete opposite of what I tell him. Gets in trouble at school, skips classes to stop petty crimes, stops by my house every other day and eats my food, worries me when a crime he stops goes bad and ends up getting hurt and- damn it Peter Benjamin Parker, you are the reason why I won't have kids!" Galilea slammed a hand on the table. 

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