19. Operation get Spangles a date

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This is the mother of all hangovers. Galilea Stark thought when she woke up the following morning. She pulled the covers over her head and let out a loud groan. This is death. She doesn't even want to open her eyes. I can't deal with this right now. Why did I even go out last night?

She threw the covers off her head and slowly opened her eyes. The brightness killed her and her head is pounding. Galilea grabbed her shades and went to the elevator. She leaned on the wall the whole way down and when the doors opened she grabbed the side of her head as she went to the table where she heard multiple conversations going on.

"Look who finally woke up" Tony smirked.

"Never again" Gali groaned. Clint and Natasha are also holding their heads, shades over their eyes.

"How'd it go last night?" Hill asked.

"I don't remember" Gali whined.

"Ah, that well" Rhodey nodded.

"Well I remember plenty" Kami smirked as she had a forkful of eggs.

"Is it just me, or did Clint slow danced with the bartender last night?" Nat questioned.

"He did" Kami nodded "it was quite amusing actually"

"I slow danced with the bartender?" Clint asked sounding surprised yet confused. Thor found it a good moment to laugh which only caused Gali's head to throb even more.

"Quiet!" The three hungover people hissed. Gali grabbed a plate and served herself some food.

"What'd you guys do last night?" She asked.

"Thor, Rhodey and Happy were on the karaoke machine for an hour" Pepper started.

"We played board games. Tony won at Monopoly" Hill said. Ah yes. The game for millionaires. Of course Tony would win at that.

"Oh, guess who we saw last night" Natasha grinned.

"Nick was turnt up last night" Clint added.

"Wait, Nick? Nick Fury?" Bruce asked.

"Director Nick Fury of the Avengers?" Steve who's been quiet the whole time asked.

Why's he so quiet? He was all talkative before, but as soon as he saw me walk in he shut down. The times I got his attention I would smile at him and he would look away like a shy little kid. What's up with him? Did I do something wrong? I hope I didn't.

"You should've seen what him and Gali were doing last night" Kami smirked.

Gali's eyes went wide along with everybody else's. Tony's face went from one of 'Ew' to 'What?' To 'They did what?' Kami saw the looks on their faces and furiously shook her head.

"No, nothing like that!" She laughed "come, I'll show you" she got up and left to the living room.

They looked at each other and followed her. Gali took her plate with her and sat down next to Rhodey.

"The people in the video are not all there... they were so wasted" she laughed before she showed the video.

It starts off with Nick and Gali on the stage, each with a mic in hand, and what stands out is the fact that Nick has a pink wig on. Oh god I can already feel this is going to be bad. Beez in the trap by Nicki Minaj was heard. A groan escaped her lips.

"Oh no"

"Oh yes" Kami laughed.

Fury and Gali sang, and they were we killing it. Halfway through the song Clint and Natasha got on stage. Clint sat on a chair and Nat gave him a Magic Mike lap dance.

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