13. Battle of New York

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Tony is up in the sky, fighting off whatever is coming out of that hole. The ones Tony couldn't get, flew down into the city and wrecked havoc. They shot the blue rays Loki shot back in Germany. Galilea could already hear the terrified screams of the civilians running down the streets.

"Oh my god" Gali breathed. Her being the hungry person that she is, put the food in a force ball and had it floating next to her. She ran to the main roads and saw people running around already destroyed buildings and cars.

What are these things? She looked up to the sky and saw something fly over her. She looked closely and saw what appears to be an alien. Wait, Thor said they're called the Chitauri. Loki's army.

She encountered some of those extraterrestrial aliens on her way to higher grounds. She helped people get on safer sides of the street and threw a ball here and there. She ran up the street to see flipped cars, and deserted streets. The chattering is still going on in the earpiece but she didn't pay much attention. What she did hear was Tony ask,

"What did you stop for drive thru?"

"I did, actually" she bit into her hamburger. Tony sighed.

"Out of all the people, Galilea had to be the one to get food" She smiled proudly and continued eating, waiting for the group to join her.

Just as she finished the burger, Steve, Natasha, and a fully recovered Clint ran up to the girl.

"About time" she ate some fries. They gave her weird looks and she extended the box to them "Want some?" She offered.

"I'll take some!" Clint grabbed some and the other two gave him weird looks.

"What? He didn't feed me" he ate the fries.

Something like an animal cry was heard. They looked up and more aliens are coming out of the portal, including a giant turtle looking worm. It flew down to where they are standing and aliens shoot out from its side, and onto the buildings.

The quest red just stared at them. Galilea barely felt Clint dragging her to hide behind a taxi. That's when she suddenly heard her best friends voice through her earpiece.

"Kamilla?! Oh thank god. Where are you? Are you okay?" She quickly asked.

"I-I'm f-fine. I'm at E-Emil's house. But-"

"But what?"

"He's out with Katherine and Leo. They're in a bank with more people" Gali could tell by the tone of her voice that she's about to cry. She asked which bank and she gave her the address.

Galilea got out of the hiding spot, jumped off the bridge and lifted cars to use as steps on her way down. She ran through the panicked people and the thing that surprised her the most is that she was able to kill the Chitauri with the pain power.

It's the first time I do that. I've reached the highest level of pain. And it's like an instant death. They drop dead as soon as I think about it. Kinda scary.

Galilea made it to the bank, but the doors wouldn't open. She banged on the glass.

"Emil, Katherine! It's me. Galilea Stark!" Emil ran out and immediately opened the door when he saw his friend.

"Gali" he started.

"Get everyone out here, it's not safe. Hurry, they'll be here any moment" Emil ran off and she was on the look out.

Three aliens came out of nowhere, they saw her and pointed their alien guns at her. She used their weapons against them, using telekinesis and they died. She glanced over her shoulder and saw a group of people huddled together at the bank entrance. She put a shield around them as another alien came out.

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