78. Complications

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"It stinks in here. Could you at least have picked a different route. Preferably one that smells less" Loki grimaced at the foul stench of the sewage.

Galilea, Phil, Peter, Maria and Loki crawled down the manhole, while Kamilla and Happy stayed up on ground and directed everyone. Gali was the first to go down and placed a protection shield over the dirty water so they won't have to get their shoes dirty and don't have to walk in 'poo water' as Peter put it. The shield might protect their feet but it doesn't do much about the smell.

"I'm sorry Cersei Lannister, would you like a handkerchief with perfume on it?" Maria sarcastically asked.

Gali made a face "I really need to watch Game of Thrones" she mumbled as he walked ahead of the group.

They had already pass the rainbow graffiti, now they're walking until the watch beeps, signaling the secret passageway.

"I feel like those kids from the movie IT" Gali muttered. Kamilla and Happy laughed in her ear.

"You're that kid with the inhaler" Happy chuckled.

"How long have we been walking?" Peter sighed in frustration.

"Six minutes" Phil answered.

"I'm gonna go ahead and look for that passageway"

"How are you-" but Loki's question was cut off when he saw Peter crawl up the wall and ahead of the group. Loki stood perplexed "what is he part spider?"

"He was bit by a radioactive spider and got super spider senses" Galilea hastily explained.

"What kind of stuff happens here on earth?"

"Weird shit" Maria and Kamilla answered. Kami's voice being heard in everyone's ear.

Peter didn't have to crawl far until his watch beeped. He searched for the passageway, his hands touching the wall until he felt a hidden lever and pulled. The wall opened to reveal a secret tunnel.

"Guys I found it!" Peter yelled out.

They picked up their speed and stopped in front of the tunnel "nice job kid" Phil nodded.

"Thanks" Peter smiled underneath the mask.

"Let's get going. Kami, Happy, can you hear us?" Gali asked into the earpiece.

"Loud and clear" Happy replied.

"Time to let these little guys fly" Galilea pulled three small bug-like droids and they flew off her hand and ahead in the tunnel. They gave visuals to Kamilla and Happy in the laptops.

"Why do they look like something out of transformers?" Maria questioned.

"I was inspired by them" she sheepishly bit the inside of her cheek.

"Guys less talking more walking" Happy told them.

"It's dark" Peter noted.

"Wait, one of the bugs got in the electrical system and..."

The tunnel lit up. It's old and dusty. It doesn't look like anyone has been down there in years so it's great for them. Phil pulled the lever down to close the wall and they walked forward. Kamilla and Happy kept an eye out for both teams.

The Avengers are still fighting and still in a tricky spot no thanks to Tony. They saw the Winter Soldier and tried to calm him down by calling him Bucky and playing the words, they kinda got through him as he began to struggle and wasn't really sure what he was doing.

Bucky's head was playing games on him. He was in Winter Soldier mode and programmed to kill the Avengers but when he heard them calling him Bucky and then half of the words, he was snapping out of his brainwashed head. The voice saying the words, he knows the voice. He's heard it somewhere. The back of his mind scream 'GALILEA!' but he wasn't sure.

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