80. Get help

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A small bug-like droid inconspicuously flew in the large room. It took a visual of everything happening and scanned the room for any doors and escape ways. The seven people stared at the video hologram of the room.

The Avengers look beat and exhausted. They're held back at the back of the room, they look more like trapped. The Hulk is pounding on the purplish, transparent shield that's holding them back, but he can't break it.

Tony and Rhodey are trying to shoot at it but nothing is happening. A couple of Hydra guys are on the other side of the room, controlling something on the panels. Richard Roman is there and overseeing everything.

"What the hell can be that strong to hold back that beast?" Loki questioned as his eyes stayed on a more than pissed of Hulk.

"Galilea's shield" Thor noted. Everyone turned to the girl.

"They must've taken some of my blood while I was out of it. They got my shield power, it's the only way to explain it" Galilea felt sick.

Hydra using her powers to hurt her friends... Only they would do that. Sure she sometimes uses her powers on them but it's in a playful way. To put invisible barriers and see her friends get frustrated. Move things around from another room. Get a guy to dress up as a Disney princess, that kind of fun.

"Let's just hope they don't have the other powers because then we'll be screwed" Phil commented. Let's hope so. Gali silently agreed.

"How do we bring the shield down?" Peter asked.

"It looks like they're controlling it from that panel right there" Maria pointed at in the hologram "but we can't get near it without getting hurt"

"I can come in from up top and bust the panel with my spiderweb" Peter suggested.

"That will work" Thor nodded.

"Then we fight them off?" Bucky was unsure.

"Yes but, it might be tricky. They know the Avengers' moves. They know their tricks" Gali began.

"You said that they don't know our tricks" Loki interrupted Galilea "we're at an advantage here. You say that you fought with him" he pointed at Bucky "for weeks and came up with secret fighting moves. They're not familiar with Spider-Man's technique and he has new web combinations"

"That'll be a surprise" Peter pipped in.

"The last person they expect to see" Loki pointed to himself with a smug smile "and they don't know about your new trick with the-"

"We don't need to go into specifics" Thor shook his head.

Loki raised an eyebrow and turned from his brother to his new friend. He wondered whether if they told anyone about the hammer but by the looks they're giving him, he says no. Loki shrugged and let it go.

"Hate to say it but the diva is right" Maria nodded.

Loki glared at the woman "I'm not a diva" he growled "and I know I'm right" Maria rolled her eyes.

Gali thought about it. Loki is right. That's the whole reason she formed the group in the first place. But now that she's there things seem different. Still they need to save their friends and beat the bad guys in the process.

"Fine. We'll do that. Peter you sneak in and bust that thing- but we need a distraction. We can't afford them catching Peter in the act before we're even in there"

They thought about it for a moment. A distraction so they won't catch Peter. Something that will have them completely baffled and unable to move in shock.

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