55. B.A.

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Fourth of July's were great parties in the Stark household. If there's one thing the Stark's know how to do is how to throw a great party. Friends and family were invited. Great food and music. Fun and games. Fireworks at the end of the night.

Galilea would bake cookies with Jarvis. They would spend the previous day baking and decorating cookies. She would always, no mater what, end up with flour in her hair. And one thing that never changed when Galilea was decorating the cookies was the overuse of sprinkles. Jarvis would warn Gali about cavities and her answer would be her tilting her head back and spraying whip cream in her mouth.

Tony entered the kitchen and would stop dead in his tracks when he saw his little sister "Jarvis... cavities... really, again?" Tony sighed in exasperation. 

"She needs to learn" Jarvis said.

"I never will" Gali's words where muffled as she ate the whip cream.

Tony chuckled and sat across them on the kitchen isle. He grabbed an undecorated cookie and looked around for the frosting "can you pass me the frosting?" Tony asked his little sister.

Gali looked down at the container and an evil smile spread across her face. She inconspicuously covered the bottom of the container with red frosting and handed it over to her brother "here you go fruitcake"

"Thank you shrimp. Aah, you gooped me!" He dropped the container and stared at the red frosting on his hand. Galilea laughed "this isn't funny!" Tony glared at his sister.

"No, it's hilarious!" She continued laughing.

"Here you go young Tony" Jarvis handed Tony a dish towel and he gratefully took it only to drop it.

"Gah, goop again!" Tony yelled and Jarvis laughed "there's a special place in hell for you two" Tony muttered as he washed his hands. The young Stark girl and the butler shared a high five.

"You know Jarvis," A teenage Tony Stark began "our countries have come together despite what happened in 1776"

"Oh my god" Galilea rolled her eyes as her brother began another lecture about the English and the Americans.

The following day was the Fourth of July. People began to arrive with food and drinks. Galilea was with Kamilla, running around the house and playing with the other kids. Gali would sneak into the kitchen and eat the food Jarvis would be preparing. He gave Galilea a look and she acted innocent.

He laughed and handed her a fixed plate "here you go little Galilea"

She gasped and the butler a kiss on the cheek "thank you Jarvis" she ate in the kitchen and spent some time with her favorite butler.

She went back to the party and played games and annoyed her brother like any little sister would do. Galilea saw her dad sneak away from everyone and she followed after him. She was curious about why he was sneaking out of the party, but then remembered something, kind of like their tradition. 

"You don't need to follow me like a thief at night" Howard said over his shoulder. Gali blushed in embarrassment at being caught. He turned around and smiled at his daughter "come" they made their way to his home office.

"Can I light the candle this time, dad?" She asked her father.

"Just don't burn the house down" he joked. He handed her a lighter and she lighted up the candle.

The fire flickered and burned the wick. Gali set the lighter down and stared at the flame "Happy Birthday Captain Rogers" she whispered.

"Happy birthday Steve" Howard whispered and sat down next to his daughter.

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