60. Recounting

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The team was gathered in the room next to Galilea's, ready to hear what she has to say. Peter talked with her but it was mostly about how he's been and if he's been doing his school summer work. They don't know what to expect. They've pictured horrors, experiments on Gali, daily beatings... But they're prepared to hear what she has to say.

Galilea sat in bed, wincing and eating gummy worms. Doctor Grey sat on a chair next to Gali, notebook and pen in hand.

"I'm dying!" Gali moaned.

"You're not dying" Dr. Grey smiled small as she wrote something on the notebook "alright Galilea, let's start at the beginning, shall we?"

"It all started the day I was born" Gali began. Tony facepalmed.

"Still has her sense of humor" Rhodey chuckled lightly.

Dr. Grey smiled small "not that far away"

"There are holes. There are things that I remember clearly and others are blurry and some are... Some are like a dark hole" Galilea softly explained.

Dr. Grey nodded "it's understandable, Galilea. Just tell me what you remember, okay? We'll work on your memory along the way"

Gali nodded and took in a deep breath "Well I suppose it started when Justin sent me a letter..." She told her what Justin had said in the letter. Hydra coming for her and her friends. Her increase on the security of the tower and keeping tabs on everyone.

"Oh, that explains the angry phone call one week before school ended" Peter said in realization.

"What did you do?" Clint asked.

"A misunderstanding with a teacher?" The boy offered. Clint rolled his eyes.

They all paid close attention to Galilea when she explained how she was lured out of the Chinese restaurant. How Hydra threatened to shoot Tony if she didn't leave and go to Stark tower. Meeting Richard Roman and feigning shock when she heard about Hydra. How she tried to use her powers on the men but it didn't work and then fighting them off and then it became fuzzy.

"I don't remember what happened after"

"According to the security footage it appears that you were drugged" Dr. Grey informed.

"Hmm, that makes sense" Gali nodded. 

"What happened after you woke up?" The doctor asked.

"I woke up in a glass cell. Like the one Loki was kept in but not circular. It was the length of the room, it was against the wall. There was a mattress and a blanket in a corner and there was a small opening in the glass where they set the food tray" Galilea explained. 

"What else was in the room?"

"Monitors and a console. There were screens kinda like these" Gali pointed at the screens that are showing her vitals and health "and there was a table on the far side of the room" she finished describing the room.

"Were there any windows?"

"No. Only a metal door that slid open when they came to check on me"

"They? Who are they?" Dr. Grey questioned.

"The people that were 'taking care' of me" she did air quotations.

"How many people were taking care of you?" The doctor asked.

"Two. A man and a woman. She didn't like me at all. Actually she pulled her gun on me the first time we met. I guess I have that kind of charm" Gali chuckled lightly and scratched the top of her head "she had an attitude problem. I'll tell you that"

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