26. Brooklyn

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Galilea woke up at around 3:30 in the morning. She couldn't get enough sleep considering the argument Tony and her had a couple hours ago. She can't be under the same roof as him. She can't be in the tower with him. I need to get out of here.

She got out of bed, flicked the lights on and headed to the closet. She grabbed a suitcase and started to throw clothes in there. Once it was full she zipped it up, put on a pair of toms, a hoodie, grabbed whatever else she needed and left the room. She didn't want to make much noise once she was out of her room, so she used her powers to move the suitcase.

Gali got in the elevator and pressed the button to the garage. Several levels later, the elevator doors opened showing all the collectible cars. She stepped out of the elevator and grabbed the keys to one of the cars that are hanging on a hook.

"Jarvis, make sure the people upstairs don't wake up" She walked over to the car and put her things in the trunk.

"I've sound proofed their rooms until you are gone Miss Stark" Jarvis replied. Gali closed the trunk and got in the car.

"Don't tell them I'm gone" She started the car, opened the garage door and drove off into the streets.

The city lights beaming down to illuminate the streets and sidewalks. There are cars out in the street, people walking around. It's dark, it's quiet and cold. Galilea shivered as she rolled the window up. She drove down streets, stopping at lights, driving off again. Hence starting her drive to Brooklyn.

Galilea rolled up into the garage of one of the many houses her parents used to own. She got her bag and rolled it behind her as she made her way inside. She opened the door and stepped foot on the wooden flooring. Nothing has changed. Nothing.

It's exactly how it used to look like back in the 40s. The kitchen, the decoration, furniture, rooms, bathroom, living rooms, everything. Even the kitchen utensils are from the 40s. They still have the small TV, fully functional. Gali smiled when she saw all of it. Smiled at the picture frames on desks.

That house did take in many people. One of them being Peggy Carter. Her and one of her friends lived here after they were kicked out of the apartment building they used to live in. Peggy went through some kind of trouble on helping Howard Stark clear his name.

Apparently someone broke into his vault, stole some weapons, and sold them to different people. The police thought he sold them to the enemy, so they tried to catch him and arrest him, but Peggy helped him. She managed to clear his name and so he was a free man. While Peggy lost her apartment along with her friend, Howard offered them to stay there, and they did.

Galilea made her way to her room and put her things down. She took her hoodie off, threw it aside and face planted on her bed. God, I'm so tired.

It took Tony nearly two hours to figure out where his sister had ran to. He had woken up and was ready to apologize. He went into her room but wasn't there. He then went to the kitchen but she wasn't there either.

He asked Bruce and Pepper if they've seen her but they didn't. They called the rest of the team but she wasn't with them. Tony did some thinking and thought about places where his sister could've run off too.

It took him a while but when it came to him it hit him like a ton of bricks. Of course! He thought. He drove out to their house at Brooklyn and found his sister laying on the couch, her long hair hanging from the side of the couch.

"What do you want Anthony?" Galilea coldly asked when she saw her brother walk in.

Tony slowly made his way towards her. She's lying on the couch, looking bored out of her mind.

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