52. Bucky

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Mariana ran down the corridor. There's a door in the middle of the corridor and she pushed it open, ran down and took a right. Two men in white lab coats came from around the corner and Mariana narrowly avoided slamming into them. She continued running without giving the men a second glance. The large metal door is up ahead. She swiped her card, punched in the code and ran inside.

The screams of the Winter Soldier echoed around the room as he's getting his memory wiped. Mariana paid him no attention and ran up to Richard who's overseeing the Winter Soldier mind wipe.

"What is it Mariana?" Richard gave her a quick glance.

"We broke her" she panted.

"What?" Richard looked over to her.

"We broke her" Mariana repeated, a Margaery Tyrell smirk on her face.

The door to Galilea's room slid open, Richard and Mariana stepped in.

"Is it true?" Richard asked Castiel who's sitting on a chair by the monitors.

Castiel stood up with his tablet, a picture on the screen. He went over to the glass cell where Galilea is sitting on the mattress. She has a blank look on her face. Her shiny brown eyes are dull, her brown hair is in knots, her head is slightly tilted to the side. She looks like a damaged, haunted, porcelain doll.

Castiel approached the glass and lightly tapped the glass "little Galilea?" He called softly.

Her eyes flickered up and a small smile appeared on her face "hello Castiel"

"Can I show you something?" He asked. She nodded.

Richard and Mariana stood at either side of Castiel and held up his tablet, a picture of Clint Barton on the screen. Galilea flinched and blinked hard "do you know who he is?"

She thought about it for a moment "Hawkeye" she answered.

"And this?" He swiped left.

She flinched again. "The Hulk"

Castiel nodded and showed another picture "him?"

Gali whimpered and looked away "Captain America" she whispered.

"Last one, okay? Who is he?"

Galilea backed up in her bed, fear in her eyes "no" she shook her head.

"It's okay, little G" Castiel softly said "who is he?"

"...Iron Man" she looked away "please stop" she whispered.

Castiel put the tablet down and walked away with the other two Hydra agents "how did you do it?" Richard asked.

"Well you have been shocking her to no end" Castiel began.

"And the fighting with the Winter Soldier and the smacking around. She was bound to snap" Mariana finished.

"Have you been giving her her dosages?" Richard asked Castiel.

"Haven't missed one" Castiel said.

Richard nodded, glanced over at the broken Galilea sitting on the mattress and turned back to the two young agents "we'll continue with that" he pointed at the tablet "more fighting with the Winter Soldier and get some of her blood. She trusts you, we need her to keep trusting you" Richard told Castiel. He nodded.

"Have her healed, cleaned up and get her something to eat. We need her at her best for him" Richard said.

Galilea stared at the backs of the three Hydra agents. She can't hear what they're saying but she figures they're planning out what to do with her next. None of them are paying attention to her so she slid onto the mattress with a small smile on her face. Suckers.

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