16. Shopping with Steve and Thor

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"Yes, I finally beat your ass!" Gali jumped off the couch in excitement. Pepper looked at her weirdly as she jumped up and down in excitement.

"Gali is happy because she finally won in the racing game" Tony told Pepper. She nodded and the elevator doors opened. They turned to see Kamilla walk out of the metal box.

"Still wearing the ankle brace?" Pepper asked.

"Your doctor friend said that today is the last day" Kami said as she plopped herself onto the couch.

"Speaking of Bruce, where is he, I haven't seen him since this morning" Gali looked around.

"He's doing something on his laptop" Tony said. 

"He really needs to get out more" Gali grumbled as she made her way to the stairs that lead to the lab "Bruce your patient is here!" Heavy footsteps where heard and out came Bruce who she haven't seen in like five hours "You really need to spend more time out of the lab" She told him. He shrugged and went over to Kamilla.

Before Gali could go join the others, the elevator doors opened again, but this time it revealed Natasha and Clint. What are they doing here? Who cares, they're back!

"Natasha!" Gali ran over to her.

"Hi Gali" she gave her friend a quick hug. She then moved over to Clint.

"Papa bird!"

"Baby avenger!" He gave her a bone crushing hug.

"What are you two doing here?" Gali asked when she let go of Clint.

"We missed our friends" he said. Gali raised an eyebrow. Sure they did.

"Natasha get in here and say hi to me!" Kamilla yelled from the living room. Nat smirked and made her way over there. Clint was about to say something but the elevator doors opened once again. This time Steve came out. What the hell?

"Is today visit the Stark Siblings day?" Gali asked herself.

Steve caught sight of Clint and his eyes widened "Clint?"

"Hi Steve" They embraced in a bro hug. Gali gave him a quick hug as well.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. 

"Passing by" he said. Clint gave him a look as if not believing him. Gali ignored them and made her way to join the rest of the group.

"I'm free!" Kami exclaimed as she walked around without the ankle brace. She stopped walking and looked behind her best friend "Who are those two?" She asked, although she didn't need to ask who Steve is because she was also told many stories about him by Howard Stark.

"This is Clint Barton and this is Steve Rogers. Guys, she's my friend Kamilla Rosenthal" Galilea introduced

"Guten Abend" Clint said. Of course a master assassin knows German. Not even I know it, and I've been friends with a German girl since I was seven.

"Guten Abend" Kami said back, obviously happy that there's someone she can talk to in German. She sent Gali a quick look and she huffed.

Kami and her brother have tried to teach Galilea German but it's not exactly her forte. She excels on other languages but German, she can't get her mind wrapped around it. It's too hard for her.

Thunder was heard. That's what brought her back from her thoughts. Wait thunder? She went to the floor to ceiling window and looked up to the sky.

"Forecast said clear skies today" Pepper mused as she looked out the window. The sky is clear, not a cloud in sight but the noise of thunder is unmistakable.

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