Seo Kang Joon (Request)++

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Now playing... Director by Lay. A story request for IrisXholi 


"Look at the camera this time, ________!" I say, making her head turn towards the camera with a happy smile. A smile of my own creeps onto my face unconsciously.

It's always a warm feeling whenever she enters the room. Not only do I have the sense of happiness, but it feels like everyone in the room brightens up when they hear her giddy greeting. Her melodic voice makes my heart thump faster every time, as does her simple appearance.

"Thank you for your hard work everyone!" She bows deeply, her hair slipping in front of her gracefully. Once she regains her original posture, she waves and slips out the door with her manager.

Meanwhile, I go back to cleaning up the camera and lights with the other staff members. My constant smile turns down, suddenly remembering that ________ has an appointment tomorrow for the movie with another actor.


"Action!" I shout, queuing ________ and her opposite role.

As I focus the camera on the two of them, ________ moves closer towards him, seemingly nervous.

"D-Don't move." She stutters perfectly, her eyes flickering up to make sure with him. He nods and closes his eyes.

With her gentle touch, she grazes his cheek and chin with her finger, stroking it. He visibly swallows and exhales. In the next moment, ________ hesitantly goes on the tips of her toes and slowly closes her eyes before softly placing her lips over his.

I didn't even know that a fist was forming at my side. I bite the inside of my mouth, trying to restrain the anger boiling inside of me. Oh how I wanted to punch him square in the face.


The keys jingle in my hand as I unlock the door to my apartment. The events today run through my head, at first it's happy thoughts about ________'s cheerful smiles and elegant eyes staring into the camera and through my heart. But then there's that one scene with that actor that just...

With that in mind, I slam the door shut and throw the keys carelessly onto the small dish by the shoe case.

"Kang Joon? Is that you?" That sweet melodic voice chimes through the echoing foyer. When I look up, I see her hugging the wall and peeking over to see who it was.

I give her a tired smile, "I'm home, ________." I take off my shoes and step onto the higher floor.

She comes out from hiding, revealing her comfortable and casual house wear; one of my button ups that are way too big for her.

"What's wrong? Are you tired?" ________ walks up to me and pats my chest, acting cute without knowing what it does to my heart. She pouts, looking up at me, almost begging for an answer.

I wrap my arms around her and smile down at her, "Yeah, I'm just a bit tired today. You're probably tired too, having done so beautifully at the shoot."

She shakes her head and the ends of her lips curl upwards, "I'm wasn't tired once I remembered you were coming home tonight."

I cock my head to the side, "But I always come home at night?" She simply giggles and pecks me on the cheek.

"I already took a bath. I'll run the water for you." She slips away from my grasp and heads into the bathroom with a skip in her step, her shirt moving with her and almost revealing what's underneath.

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