Dreams Made Real ++ - pt. 1

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Not so much of a short imagine lol. This is pretty long and it also has smut :P This is based off of a dream a friend had. I just made it worse LOL


"Here you go sir." Anne says, serving the CEO a mixture of nuts, "And here is yours ma'am." She holds back a laugh as she said that.

Scarlet pouts slightly at her but she giggles herself, "Thanks Anne." She says and brought a nut to her mouth. Anne walks back to the serving station and waits for any orders given by the higher ups.

"Father, I'm going to go to the back and talk to Anne. It's awfully boring." Scarlet says, already standing up.

"Scarlet, I told you many times. Do not hang around those kind of people all the time."

Scarlet scoffs, "Why? Because they're less wealthy than us?" She says, leaving him without his response.


"Oh hi Scarlet, what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored~!" She whines.

"Why don't you just go over to the pilot again?"

"It's no fun, he's already lectured me about the airplane and how it works and stuff."

"Wow, someone who likes studying doesn't like to hear lectures. Interesting." Anne laughs, placing the tray and glasses on the table.

Scarlet laughs with her but their laughter stopped when there was a sudden exploding sound. Both Scarlet and Anne fall on the floor, not knowing what was going on.

"Scarlet!" Anne cried, reaching for her.

"Anne, don't worry!" Scarlet says, reaching for her as well. They grasped hands and held each other tightly, terrified of how they were decreasing altitude extremely fast, and only a fallen table that held Anne's ankle and foot firmly on the floor, allowed them to not fly up to the ceiling.


Scarlet was the first to regain consciousness. She tries to get up with all the pain that was pushing her down. She was bleeding in various parts of her body but no serious damage such as a broken bone surprisingly. She noticed that the plane had crashed on some sort of island. What? But the map didn't have an island on it. She thinks back to when she was with the pilot.

Scarlet widens her eyes, remembering something, "Anne! Anne!" She cries, walking around the crash site with a hand around her arm in attempt to stop the bleeding, not caring about her white dress being tainted with blood.

"Anne!" She finds a girl in a familiar uniform. Using the last bit of strength in her legs, Scarlet ran to the girl, "Anne! Wake up!"

Scarlet shakes Anne's shoulders but she doesn't wake up.

"I-I need to find help..!" Scarlet looks around, not knowing where help could be. The island looks like it's just surrounded by sand and trees!

"Help! Anyone!" She jogs down the beach, cautious about the darkness of the trees and the weird aura it gave.

She suddenly hears a growling sound. Knowing it wasn't her own stomach, she looked behind her and saw two wolves. She lets out a scream before running away from them, but the 4 legged animals continue to chase her.

How are there wolves here?!

Then a large building came into view. Without any second thoughts, Scarlet runs through the metal doors of the building and continues to run, hearing the barking and growling from the wolves behind her.

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