Jung Hoseok (PATH ONE)

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A bug attacked me twice yesterday and I couldn't go near my computer. I was about to upload the previous chapter and the bug decided to launch its attack. 


Days after those two had confessed, I lay in my room, awake and worried.

Crickets chirped outside my window as I thought about tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go on a picnic with my brother, mother, father, and Hoseok since he was a close friend to everyone in our family.

Ever since that day, there was no contact with him whatsoever. He didn't even come over to hang out with Hoon - Hoon goes to his house to hang out.

I haven't given any of them an answer. I... I like both of them, but I've never thought of them as any more than friends.


The next day, we arrive at the grassy field near the afternoon. My eyes were red and I felt groggy; I couldn't sleep at all last night.

"Sweetie, why don't you go help your brother set up the blanket while your father and I grab the food from the car?"

"Oh," You mumble in an agreeing tone. Then made your way up the hill to where Hoon was somehow struggling with the blanket.

"Here, Stupid. Let me help you with that." I grab two ends while he gets the other two. We spread out the blanket and lay it down on the grass.

Suddenly, I was toppled over by a screaming girl who tackled me from behind.


"M-Mimi..! What are you doing here!" I roll over and she rests her chin on my chest.

"Your mom invited me! She found out I was back in the country for my April break and told me that you'd be so lonely without me!" She exaggerated.

I laugh and push her off me, getting up and pulling her up.

"I'm glad you came, I really am." Saves me the trouble of being even more awkward around Hoseok.

"Oh no, is that the devil's voice I hear." Hoseok arrives, carrying a bowl of fruits.

"Nice to see you too Ho." (A/N: MAY HAVE BEEN INTENTIONAL. If you catch my drift >^< ) Mimi put him in headlock and used her fist to give him a noogie.

"Yah! Get off of me! I'll throw this at you!" He threatens, and she releases him with a bright smile.


The rest of the picnic wasn't as bad. The whole time, Mimi had me distracted the whole time, understanding my situation.

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