Jackson (GOT7)

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"Hm..." laying on her stomach on her large queen sized bed, _____ looked through her pictures on her phone.

"This filter looks weird..." she says to no one in particular, "there's no pictures of Jackson and I." She thinks, favoring the old fashioned print out pictures. But how do I ask him for a picture? He usually only takes pictures by himself. I have tons of those too...

She snickers at the random photos of Jackson looking derpy and dumb.

"How can he be cute and sexy at the same time?"

"I hope you're talking about me." A low raspy voice suddenly spoke in the room.

Before she could turn her head to the voice, Jackson jumped over her, landing next to her on the bed after bouncing up and down a little from the impact.

Jackson lays half of his body over hers, "Who are you saying looks cute and sexy at the same time oh?" He laughs as he pushes down on her back.

"Ah! Jackson you're killing me!" She face plants into the pillow and move her legs, trying to move him off of her.

"Answer me~!" He started tickling her.

"YAH! STOP!" _____ turns her body around so that she was laying on her back. Her hands wrapped around her stomach and flailed, trying to stop Jackson from tickling her.

Jackson grabbed the phone and laid on his stomach next to her panting and exhausted body.

"These are good pictures!" He exclaims.

"Those are only pictures of you..." she says through pants.

"I know, that's why it's good, no, GREAT!"

She laughs and roll over to lay her upper half of her body on his back, putting her chin comfortably at the crook of his neck.

"Did you miss me Jagi?" Jackson asked, turning his head a little to look at her.

"Mmhm... you're so busy with your comeback and all..." ____ pouts.

"Don't worry, I'll still have time for you. Always."

She smiles and wraps her arms around Jackson's broad shoulders, resting the side of her head in between his shoulders.


_____ opens her eyes at the sound of a shutter. She lifts her head up to see Jackson using his own phone to take a selca of himself and her on his back.

"Y-Yah! Why'd you take a picture? I look awful!" She tries to take the phone away from him, but quick to react, Jackson moved his arm away.

"You looked cute! I needed to take a picture!" He whines with a playful smile.

"Give it!" She whines.

"No, if I delete it, delete all the dumb looking pictures of me on your phone!"

"No way! You only knew about it because you stole my phone!" She laughs, remembering the pictures of him that proved his attractiveness wrong.

"Then I'm saving this one!" He turns off his phone and sticks his tongue out teasingly at her.

_____ sits up and pouts. Jackson smiles and kisses her forehead and then ruffling her hair.

"I'm going to take a shower okay?"

She smiles and nods, "mmhm." Then face plants back onto the pillow after he goes into the bathroom.

But then Jackson comes back out after a few minutes, singing loudly and randomly.

Her head shoots up and turns to the male dancing in a pair of sun glasses, his white button up and his underwear, using his toothbrush as a microphone.

______ rolls over on the bed, dying of laughter. Then, an idea pops into her head.

She gets up from the bed and strides over to Jackson with a sway of her hips.

"I'm your biggest fan." She clings tightly onto his arm and pouts up at him, playing the role as best as she can.

"Then I'd better give you some special service." Jackson laughs and places his lips against hers.

______ holds his collars in her hands and move her lips down his neck. Her hands beginning to travel across his body as her lips make lipstick markings on his white shirt.


Jackson laid on his back, arm behind his head, and still sleeping. _____ smiles warmly up at him before sneaking away from his arms and stands up. She looks down at the sleeping male and snickers when she sees that her plan worked; he's wearing the white shirt he had on yesterday, but with pink lipstick all over the collar, traveling up his neck and to his face.

_____ takes her phone and takes a picture of the sight, trying not to laugh out loud. Now we're even.

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