Kris Wu ++

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"For this movie, Miss _______ will work with Mr Wu as the lead actress and actor. Let's make this movie a success!" The director said, followed by applause and cheers from the staff.

I look at my movie partner, who was standing just a few feet away from me, clapping.

This movie is a romantic drama. It's not like I have any problems with the contents of the movie (mind you, it's a PG13 movie not a rated R or M movie), it's just my partner.

Before I work on a new movie or drama, I have this habit to 'look them up'. So, before the first movie screening, I searched up about Kris Wu. I watched movies he was involved in, looked at his history as an actor, etc. Believe me when I say this, I'm not a stalker. I just like to learn about my partners before working with them to see what I'm up against.

So far, there has been only one thing I'm worried about.

The kiss scenes.

No offense to Mr Kris Wu but he kisses like he depends on it. Whatever romantic movie he was in, his kiss scenes seem so... aggressive, even if it was the first kiss of the two main characters.

It's my turn to teach him.


"Here are some snacks just in case we get hungry during practice." I say, putting down the tray of cookies and fruits on the coffee table in front of the couch he was sitting on.

"Thanks, I'm glad we can work together on this movie. I've been a fan of yours for a while now."

"Really? Wow, same with me. I've admired you since your first movie. It's an honor to be praised by a senior actor." I blush, feeling a little embarrassed at the praise he was giving me, knowing he was my senior and all.

He smiled and looked down at his script, "Shall we start?" I sit on the small couch end across from him.

I nod, "I've actually been wanting to work on this one scene with you." Leaning on my knees, I flip to a page and show it to him.

"The kiss scene?" He smirks slyly.

"Mm... If I could say this as a fellow costar. I think we should work on your kiss scenes."

He follows suit, leaning his elbows on his knees, inching closer towards me.

"How do you suppose I improve my on screen kisses?" He smirks.

His breath gently touches mine, "I'll teach you how."

"Oh? And how's a rookie like you going to tame someone like me?"

There was a moment of silence. I was captivated by his eyes... The way his lips moved when he breathed or spoke. In all honesty, I was taken by him as soon as I saw his first appearance on television.

So I take this chance to get ahead of the rest.

"Like this." Before a second passed, I gently place my lips against his.

When he was about to react to the kiss and push deeper, I let go and smile, "That would be a 'first kiss'."

This time, I held his face in between my hands and pulled him close to me, latching onto a desperate kiss. Once again, he tries to quickly dominate but once again, I quickly leave him to his attempts.

"That would be a 'long time no see'."

"Are you toying with me ____ _____?" He asks in a deep raspy voice.

"No sir... I'm simply teaching you." I try to sound as innocent as possible, but it was slightly difficult due to myself being distracted by the sweat forming on his face and the heat gathering down south.

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