Lessons (JB-request) ++

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Requested by austine1606 
"One, two, three, f- No, stop. Stop!" Jae Bum waves his hands in the air, making me stop and put my hands on my knees, heaving heavily. He goes to the corner to turn off the music, taking long steps back to me with his finger pointed at me as I fall onto the floor, exhausted.

"Why can't you do this step right? You've been doing this dance for a week already!"

"I am doing it right! I just-"

"No you're not! You have no feeling in it. You have to dance like your heart depends on it! This isn't like some school recital where you can call it quits easily."

"Look, Jae Bum." I stand up angrily, "I respect you a lot as a dancer but when you are such an ass when you talk to me! Why is it only me? Whenever you're talking to your buddies or whatever, you're all smiley and giddy. Do you have something against me?"

He opens his mouth but I shake my head and walk to my bag on the other side of the practice room and walk out the door, despite the fact that I'm walking out on a practice that was supposed to end in another hour.


"So how's it like being a trainee?" My friend asked, sipping her cup of coffee.

I groan, "Don't get me started. I mean, I love everything, really! But this guy just makes my day go downhill as soon as his mouth opens!"

"Ooh, tell me more. Is he cute?" She leans on her hands, intrigued

"Extremely..." I sigh in defeat, following her movement, "My dance teacher is the one and only Jae Bum from GOT7..." I facepalm as soon as I hear (friend's name) screech.

"He's your dance teacher?! Austine, I swear. Please, please, please get me a picture of him! I need a fresh photo of him!"

I snap my fingers in front of her face, "Hello? Back to Earth now please!"

"Oh, yeah, right, sorry. Anyway, what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know... I need to make him like me. He hates when I dance and he talks to me like I'm a little kid!"

"Then-" (f/n) takes my hand in hers and leans forward, startling me, "we gotta show him that you're a grown woman! Time to go shopping!"

"W-Wait, (f/n)!" She pulls your hand and drags you through every store.


"Austine, are you ready to dance today? I hope-" Jinyoung stands up straight but stops mid sentence when his eyes met mine.

"What? Let's get this over with." I say, keeping my poker face as I drop my bag onto the floor. Walking to the middle of the practice room, I made sure to do what (f/n) said.

"Your push up bra will do most of the work but you gotta remember to put your chest forward. Make him know that you're not a little kid on the street anymore.The clothes we bought today will make you look even more inviting. Good luck!"

I mentally facepalm as I remembered her giggling like a little girl.

Bending forward, I stretch out my arms and legs as I touch my toes. I tried acting as natural as I could, doing random stretches until he decides to start dancing.

"Let's uh, take it from the top." He finally says, taking my hands from behind me. I stare at the mirror and watch as we dance when the music starts.

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