Two Moons (BTS Jungkook&Yoongi) (FORKED ROAD) -request

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"P-Please accept this!" You thrusted an envelope in front of you, looking down because of embarrassment.

Jungkook glanced at the letter without making a move to even touch it. He scoffs and turns away, "Maybe when I'm in a better mood."

You watch as he walks away, tears brimming at the edge of your eyes. The only thing you were thankful for this time is that you chose a secluded area, so that no one would see your pathetic attempt.

But one did.

Yoongi came out of the shadows of the lockers and silently walked over to you. You sniffled and look up at him once you realized he was there.

"Y-You saw that whole th-thing didn't you..?" You choked out, laughing at yourself.

Yoongi kept his calm and collected appearance but there was a hint of sadness in his face. He felt horrible, seeing you like this. Being your friend since junior high, he's never seen you cry so much before.

Without saying a word, he raises his hands to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. You hold your face with your hands and sob.

Yoongi simply wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back and arms to comfort you. Just his presence there made you feel better.

Min Yoongi was also friends with Jungkook in junior high. You've always admired Jungkook and then once you entered high school, you started to like him. But only a year later, he changed the way he acted.


You walk through the busy school hallway, gripping the books in your hands as your mind annoyingly replays yesterday's rejection.

"Angelle!" You turn around to the voice, seeing Yoongie jumping around the crowd with a smile to get to you, "Aigoo~ You're so tense, let me hold your stuff for you!" He swipes your books and bag away from you before you could respond. He then runs off to the next class with a goofy smile.

You laugh and run after him. Though he (and Jungkook) are two years older than you, there were some classes that had mixed grades. You two had the next class together.

You knew he was trying to cheer you up. He never acts this way unless you were really down. He's usually the cool guy you find on the street, looking at his phone and listening to music without a care in the world.

You caught up to him as soon as he entered the classroom. You grabbed onto his arm with both hands, laughing, making him stop moving. He laughs along and puts your stuff down on your desk before plopping into his own right next to yours.

Before you calmed and sat down, your eyes glance up and locked eyes with a staring Jungkook for a moment.

Yesterday's event flashes through your head and your eyes dart down quickly. It was weird, it was like you were constantly feeling his eyes burning a hole through you. But when you look up by accident or by chance, he looks away.

You stare out the window for most of the class, making up your mind about a decision you were debating on.

You will try to stop liking Jungkook. He's a jerk. And will always be one.


School ends and Yoongi finds you again at your locker, "Angelle, wanna get some ice cream today? My treat."

"Really? Okay! But I thought you don't like 'things too sweet'." You mock him.

"Yah, if you keep complaining, I won't buy it for you."

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