Yoon Hyun Min (Lee Joon-Hee - Beating Again) -request

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"Ugh why are there so many red lights when I NEED to get to work?!" Jane yells as grips the steering wheel tightly in frustration.

The light finally turns green.

"Oh thank goodness! Move it!" She notices that the driver in front of her wasn't moving an inch. She looks closely through the back of his rear window and see that he's on his phone.

Is this guy serious? Not only is it dangerous and stupid, but it's annoying.

Jane beep at the driver but he doesn't move. The light suddenly turns yellow and she decides to just go around the idiotic driver. Damn kids don't know what it means to be an adult. She curses in her head as she turns her wheels to move around the car in front to make the yellow light.

"Finally! I can-" The driver that was in front of her suddenly speeds up and crashed into her car just as she made it past the yellow light.

Jane's head began to feel foggy as her head lays on the steering wheel, feeling something drip from her head. Her eyes, only opened a bit, watches as people gathered around the massively dented car she was in. Muffled, voices argue outside. One man's speech
caught her attention.

"I-It was an accident! How was I supposed to know this crazy b**ch was there? She sped up in front of me and I crashed into her!"

This... asshole... her vision turns black, losing consciousness.


"Jagi... please wake up.." Joon Hee holds Jane's still hand to his forehead, trying to recall the warmth that continues to leave.

"Sir, I'm very sorry but visiting hours are over." A nurse comes in and tells him gently.

Joon Hee sniffles a little and nods before looking up at Jane's thin and pale figure.

It's been 4 months Jane... when will you come back to me?

He leans over her and kisses her lips, shedding a tear before he leaves with the nurse.

"Jane! Stop running away from me!" Joon Hee laughs as he chases Jane down the hillside.

"No! You're gonna put that peanut butter on my face if I stop!" She giggles, continuing to run down the freshly cut green grass.

"Got you!" He finally catches her in his arms, holds her tightly around her arms and stomach.

"Ah! OPPA!" They both lose balance and tumble down the hill, landing at the bottom with Joon Hee over Jane, both laughing hysterically.

"Jane.." Joon He smiles down at her beautiful laughing face.

Jane stops laughing, but smiles somewhat sadly at him. She cups his face with her hands and caress his face with her thumbs.

"You have to let go Joon Hee... I may not make it. I don't want you to-"

"Shh... Baby, why are you talking like that? You're here and healthy." Joon Hee's eye brows knit together, confused.

Jane shakes her head, "Face the truth Joonie. It's not 100% that I'll wake up soon. You have to say goodbye Joonie. I also have to learn how to say goodbye." A tear slides down from her eye and she suddenly starts to fade.

"J-Jane? Jane!"


"JANE!" Joon Hee shoots up from his bed, sitting in a puddle of sweat and tears.

He holds his face in his hands and sobs, "why... why Jane..?"

2 years later

"Joon Hee-ssi... here's some coffee." The familiar nurse offers Joon Hee a cup of coffee as he watches the invisible progress of Jane's health.

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