Unexpected Friends (Luhan - pt 2) ++

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"Something's strange with Mina."

"She's acting funny."

"Don't stay too close to her."

They've all noticed. The people that Mina was close with, acquainted to, they all knew her actions recently haven't been normal for her. The kind, optimistic, smiling high school girl, turned sour and quiet without even the slightest smile on her face.

Ever since that day...

Ever since that day Mina learned of her unfortunate curse. After 18 years, since birth, Mina's curse took its toll for the first time and she found herself under the sad gaze of her mother's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mina... You're like this because of me." Her mother admits, beginning to isolate herself from the world once she found out that the family curse started with her own child. It was her mistake. She wanted to make a deal with a fortune teller; to find the love of her life in exchange for a family curse. She was young, and foolish.

Mina's curse strengthened itself as time went on. The first turn was at 18 years old, then after a week she turned back to human. Her human self lasted only for 2 weeks before she turned back into a dove - she didn't turn back to human until a month later.

With sudden turn of events, Mina couldn't go back to school. She had stopped going to school in the middle of her senior year and decided to leave the family home. She didn't want to be a burden on her mother anymore than necessary.

After a year of flying around, Mina was entrapped by her first owner. A kind, middle aged man with a gentle smile. But soon later, he had passed away and she was given to a pet store.

The process of being bought and sold went on for years.

Until the day she met him.

"I'll definitely find you again." Luhan whispers in the empty air.

Mina watches from afar, hovering in midair. Come to me Mina. A sudden voice spoke in her mind. Finding the voice familiar, Mina flies toward it without hesitation. I'll come back to you Luhan, I promise.


2 Years later

Luhan's POV

"I'm gonna be late again! My manager's gonna kill me!" Luhan jumped onto his bike and sped away onto the street to his workplace.


Luhan answers his phone with the press of a button, "What's up?"

"Hyung!" Sehun yelled from the other end of the line, "where are you? Manager-hyung is looking for you!"

"I'm on my way! I woke up too late today, but I'm almost there! Stall for me! What the-" Interrupting Luhan was a bird suddenly flying next to him before flying away. The bird immediately reminded him of Mina. It's been two years...

"Hyung? Luhan! What happened?" Sehun voice intruded his thoughts, snapping him back onto the road.

"Nothing, I just got distracted by something. I'll be there in 5 minutes!" Luhan quickly says and then hangs up, putting his full focus back onto the road in front of him.

I wonder where she is right now.


"Because you were late again today, you're staying late until you've finished cleaning the practice room floor." Luhan's manager instructed. Luhan could only lower his head in apology, since he was only a rookie in the company and all.

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